We're using Brightstor Arcserve 9.0 since 2 months now.
Before that we had Arcserve 6.5 and now i discovered a little difference in how Arcserve handles write protected tapes.
In 6.5 when the backup failes it is logged (in arcserve) as write protected.
Arcserve 9.0 just logs "W3832 Unable to find blank media" which also can indicate that the tape is not placed or unuseful.
Is this a bug in the new arcserve that is doesn't report the tape to be write protected ?
Who recognizes this problem or can help me out ?
William Veeninga
The Netherlands
Before that we had Arcserve 6.5 and now i discovered a little difference in how Arcserve handles write protected tapes.
In 6.5 when the backup failes it is logged (in arcserve) as write protected.
Arcserve 9.0 just logs "W3832 Unable to find blank media" which also can indicate that the tape is not placed or unuseful.
Is this a bug in the new arcserve that is doesn't report the tape to be write protected ?
Who recognizes this problem or can help me out ?
William Veeninga
The Netherlands