I'm trying to understand what's happening in an inherited vb project and would like to be able to track what the code is doing. With Access VBA I'd just add break points and step through the code.
This project creates a log file to do something similar and these two examples seem to be doing this in part.
general.writeLog("Mode: n/a, CachedID: n/a, Scanned: " & scanCode & _
", Error: invalid code read, invalid gun id.", 2)
general.writeLog("Mode: " & gunArray(gunID).listeningMode & ", cachedID: " & gunArray(gunID).cachedID & ", Scanned: F" & scanCodesub & _
", Action: Cask Not Full", 1)
I'd like to add new writes to the log file at particular points in the code but don't know what they should contain. For example
[ul]I can't find anything in a Google search on general.writelog
I'm not clear what the parameters 1 and 2 do
I'm also not clear how many parameters are needed altogether and if there are column headings somewhere
Sorry to be vague here but some pointers as to where to look would be helpful.