A MS Access database has been converted into an XML database. The XML data is then displayed in a table via means of an XSLT and CSS. Because there is not enough room for an entire record to be displayed in a row, I assigned an "href" for each Data Dictionary field (XML name: FIELDDDN)in each row of table so that when users click one of each href, a new window with a smlaler size will be popped up to display additional information. The anchor href for each 'Data Dictionary Field" is as follows
<td><a><xsl:attribute name="href">Javascript
opUpWindow("<xsl:value-of select="FIELDXMLTAG"/>",<xsl:value-of select="FIELDDDN"/>)</xsl:attribute><xsl:value-of select="FIELDDDN"/></a></td>
And the PopupWindow is as follows:
function PopUpWindow(xmlTag,ddnnum)
ExtraWin = window.open("", "_blank", config='width=500,height=300,left=200,top=150');
ExtraWin.document.write("DDN Number : " + ddnnum + " "
ExtraWin.document.write("XML Tag : " + xmlTag);
The Pop up Windows works fine, except that I cannot display two fields: "ddnnum" and "xmlTag" in two separate lines. I have tried to include "\n" in write statement but Javascript seemed to ignore "\n"\. Questions:
1) how do I write it in one line and another "write" statement in another line ?
2) Can I display information in the new popup window in HTML format using <TABLE>, <TR>, <TD>, <H1>, <H2>, etc.. ? How? It seems to me that in XSLT, we cannot use "Write" command format the display in HTML form. If we can, please show me how by using an example.
3) Can we use VBScript along with Javascript in XSLT ?
Thank you for your help.
<td><a><xsl:attribute name="href">Javascript
And the PopupWindow is as follows:
function PopUpWindow(xmlTag,ddnnum)
ExtraWin = window.open("", "_blank", config='width=500,height=300,left=200,top=150');
ExtraWin.document.write("DDN Number : " + ddnnum + " "
ExtraWin.document.write("XML Tag : " + xmlTag);
The Pop up Windows works fine, except that I cannot display two fields: "ddnnum" and "xmlTag" in two separate lines. I have tried to include "\n" in write statement but Javascript seemed to ignore "\n"\. Questions:
1) how do I write it in one line and another "write" statement in another line ?
2) Can I display information in the new popup window in HTML format using <TABLE>, <TR>, <TD>, <H1>, <H2>, etc.. ? How? It seems to me that in XSLT, we cannot use "Write" command format the display in HTML form. If we can, please show me how by using an example.
3) Can we use VBScript along with Javascript in XSLT ?
Thank you for your help.