Been doing some wonderful coding thanks to you guys here on the forum!
So if you read any of my other posts you can see I'm in the process of learning everything there is about creating .ini files, reading and writing data to them and ordinary tex files aswell.
Now I have this log file with data like this
I have created a sub that loops down to the correct row, and extracts the last date.
Now the thing is that I have to update the log as thing happens... Therefore I want to be able to write on a specific line.
How should i attack this?
Been doing some wonderful coding thanks to you guys here on the forum!
So if you read any of my other posts you can see I'm in the process of learning everything there is about creating .ini files, reading and writing data to them and ordinary tex files aswell.
Now I have this log file with data like this
#2011-07-01#,kattsanden testas nu och den ska funka!,2011-07-01
#2011-07-01#,testar igen,2011-07-02
#2011-07-01#,nu ska vi se om det funkar!,2011-07-03
#2011-07-01#,nu ska vi se om det funkar!,2011-07-04
#2011-07-01#,nu ska vi se om det funkar!,2011-07-05
I have created a sub that loops down to the correct row, and extracts the last date.
Dim date1, loggen, date2 As String
Open logfilename For Input Access Read As #1
i = 1
Do While i < therow
Input #1, date1, loggen, date2
i = i + 1
Input #1, date1, loggen, date2
MsgBox (date2)
Close #1
Now the thing is that I have to update the log as thing happens... Therefore I want to be able to write on a specific line.
How should i attack this?