Hi,<br>I'm trying to write datas into an existing text file, but i want the new data to go at the bigining of the file without loosing the other datas.<br><br>How must i open the file, & how to write:<br>here is my code<br><br> Dim fHistorique As Integer<br><br> 'Ouverture du fichier<br> On Error GoTo LoadError<br> fHistorique = FreeFile<br> 'Open cCheminHistorique For Output As fHistorique<br> <br> Write #fHistorique, EntrantSortant & " " & Tag & " " & DateHeure & " - " & Text<br> <br> 'Fermeture du fichier<br> Close fHistorique<br> Exit Sub<br>LoadError:<br> MsgBox "Erreur " & Str$(Err.Number) & _<br> " pendant l'enregistrement de l'historique :" & vbCrLf & _<br> Err.Description<br>----<br>thxs<br>