As far as I am aware you text boxes do not have a textwrap property. Use shift & enter
or alt & enter and this should move you down to the next line (inserts a carriage return and line feed).
Alternatively you may mave to write a routine to perform this. Let me know if you want to attempt the latter.
Ian Mayor (UK) Program Error
Always make your words short and sweet. Because you never know when you may have to eat them.
The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up there's no law against wacking them around a little. - Joe Martin
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Wait a minute. Just tested it and textboxes automatically wrap text.(once the word is split over two lines the textbox will move the word to the start of the new line! It also moves up a line when it reaches the bottom of the textbox!
So what exactly do you mean?
You could try using this in a onclick event of the textbox and see if this is what you want.
Private Sub TextBoxName_Click()
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdZoomBox
End Sub
Ian Mayor (UK) Program Error
Always make your words short and sweet. Because you never know when you may have to eat them.
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