WIN95 - Copy from an old file to create fileX. Changes are made to fileX (fonts, pagination among others). After all the changes are made, it is printed and then saved under the new name ... No problems. When I tried to access fileX in the same computer and same printer I get the following error: "Wpwin9 - This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. If the problem persists, contact the program vendor. WPWIN9 cause an exception 10H in module SUITE9.DLL at 014f:3f528f42. Register dump ispresented" I have searched several places. They recommend to reload the printer driver, which I did. It did not work. Any ideas... Is there a way to contact Corel to submit the problem to them. I went to their web site and found no way to send them an email. ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED.