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Would running more programs consume more electricity?

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Technical User
Nov 18, 2007

Just wonder if it would use more electricity if I leave multiple applications open at the same time instead of just the ones I am working on? Sometimes I leave some additonal programs open, in case i need them,so i don't have to wait when i load them.
No, but leaving your pc turned on instead of shutting it down at night will consume some electricity, it's not much but it adds up annually.

“You can actually become a role model for women.” - Jenna Jameson :)

As long as computers are turned "ON" (thus memory is active and disk drives are spinning) they consume roughly the same amount of power regardless of what applications are running.

The power that my computer consumes while "ON" is 72 watts (16 volts/4.5 Amps). If you have a light bulb turned on, then that probably consumes more electricity than the computer consumes.

If you are getting paid during the time that you posted this question, then the salary cost for you to post the question and read the replies probably consumed, in dollars, the equivalent of more than a year's worth of computer-power consumption. <grin>

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
You might find this thread handy, most of the power usage seems to be from hardware running, not how many processes are running.

A dumb question but need to know.....
thanks, guys

a really great forum where i always get fast replies.
This is just a theory I heard a long time ago, but not sure if it is true or not. I've heard that more power is expended during powering on your pc multiple times a day, then actually leaving the pc on all day, plus leaving the pc on is better on your hard disks because they don't have to spin up/down frequently through frequent power ups, and various other electrical components last longer by keeping it on all the time versus power frequent power on/off. Just my 2 cents.

- Scott
I have a simple rule - If I plan to use the computer again in the next few hours it stays on, if not I turn it off.

Basically, either extreme is bad. Leave it on 24/7 and the computer hardware may well last longer because it suffers less wear and tear. But your power bill will be higher. Excessive turning on and off will, I am sure, shorten its life. The trick is to reach a balance.

Bear in mind that if you knacker a PC by constantly turning it on and off the environmental cost is probably higher (to build a new motherboard - whatever) than the cost of the electricity if you had left it turned on!
Forgot to mention that the CPU and other components do use more power the harder they are working as well.

[navy]When I married "Miss Right" I didn't realise her first name was 'always'. LOL[/navy]
mufa said:
If you are getting paid during the time that you posted this question, then the salary cost for you to post the question and read the replies probably consumed, in dollars, the equivalent of more than a year's worth of computer-power consumption. <grin>

I have to ask for a raise then.

the computer hardware may well last longer because it suffers less wear and tear

I can't remember any of my computers dying of old age.

Christiaan Baes

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