I'm taking an open-book law school exam in 2 weeks and would like to 'index' my line-numbered 40 page outline for easy reference on test day. For example, because no electronic documents are allowed, I want to walk into the test with two paper documents...
1) a 40 page outline and
2) an alphabetized 5-10 page index of every word in my outline.
If I need to quickly find the case 'Gagliardi v. Trifoods International' in my paper outline, for instance, I'd like to look at my alphabetized index for the word 'Gagliardi' and find every line (all of which are numbered sequentially in my outline) that has an instance of the word 'Gagliardi.' In my 9th grade Visual Basic class I think I could have programmed this in about an hour. Unfortunately, I no longer have the time or expertise. Any help from anyone? Thanks for your time.
Please feel free to email any thoughts to jbengal at gmail dot com.
1) a 40 page outline and
2) an alphabetized 5-10 page index of every word in my outline.
If I need to quickly find the case 'Gagliardi v. Trifoods International' in my paper outline, for instance, I'd like to look at my alphabetized index for the word 'Gagliardi' and find every line (all of which are numbered sequentially in my outline) that has an instance of the word 'Gagliardi.' In my 9th grade Visual Basic class I think I could have programmed this in about an hour. Unfortunately, I no longer have the time or expertise. Any help from anyone? Thanks for your time.
Please feel free to email any thoughts to jbengal at gmail dot com.