I have a Windows 7 64 bit workstation with a unique problem. A few weeks back I started to experience a reboot whenever I printed anything to my laser printer. I have other printers installed and all work fine and do not reboot the workstation.
I should note in the first few hours following a reboot I can print with no problem. After about 4 hours however I experience a reboot.
At that time my printer was connected to a Windows 2003 Server via USB connection. The printer was shared trhough the server.
I frist removed and reinstalled the print driver with no success.
I then downloaded the latest driver from Samsung including the 64 bit drivers. I installed these latest drivers on the server. I then removed the drivers and printer from my workstation and reinstalled and told the workstation to get the drivers from the server.
Again, no help.
I sat at the 2003 server and printed a document and my Windows 7 workstation rebooted.
I have since connected the printer directly to the network with a static IP address and reinstalled the printer on my workstation and the server.
I still have the reboot problem. The workstation also reboots if I print from the server just like it did when it was connected via USB.
The rebooting when printing from another computer on the network seems ver strange. I am hopeful that if anybody has any iedas why this may be occuring it might solve the problem.
Yesterday when I experienced a reboot the workstation did not boot properly and wanted to repair itself. The repair was unsuccessful but the subsequent reboot was. I really don't want to experience another reboot until I have everything backed up. I am fearful that an OS reinstall may be in my future.
I have a Windows 7 64 bit workstation with a unique problem. A few weeks back I started to experience a reboot whenever I printed anything to my laser printer. I have other printers installed and all work fine and do not reboot the workstation.
I should note in the first few hours following a reboot I can print with no problem. After about 4 hours however I experience a reboot.
At that time my printer was connected to a Windows 2003 Server via USB connection. The printer was shared trhough the server.
I frist removed and reinstalled the print driver with no success.
I then downloaded the latest driver from Samsung including the 64 bit drivers. I installed these latest drivers on the server. I then removed the drivers and printer from my workstation and reinstalled and told the workstation to get the drivers from the server.
Again, no help.
I sat at the 2003 server and printed a document and my Windows 7 workstation rebooted.
I have since connected the printer directly to the network with a static IP address and reinstalled the printer on my workstation and the server.
I still have the reboot problem. The workstation also reboots if I print from the server just like it did when it was connected via USB.
The rebooting when printing from another computer on the network seems ver strange. I am hopeful that if anybody has any iedas why this may be occuring it might solve the problem.
Yesterday when I experienced a reboot the workstation did not boot properly and wanted to repair itself. The repair was unsuccessful but the subsequent reboot was. I really don't want to experience another reboot until I have everything backed up. I am fearful that an OS reinstall may be in my future.