To begin with my site contains nudity, if this bothers you or you are underage then let someone older help me. <br>
The site is not porn is a nudist picture site underconstruction.<br>
<A HREF=" TARGET="_new"><br>
I am using javascript to enlarge the pics when they are clicked.<br>
Works super with ie5, works not at all with ns4.7.<br>
Can someone help me out?<br>
Thanks in advance<br>
tom davis
The site is not porn is a nudist picture site underconstruction.<br>
<A HREF=" TARGET="_new"><br>
I am using javascript to enlarge the pics when they are clicked.<br>
Works super with ie5, works not at all with ns4.7.<br>
Can someone help me out?<br>
Thanks in advance<br>
tom davis