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Works In IE but not Netscape 6

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Technical User
Jan 31, 2001
Please help

is the example page

its a drop down menu system (not form based) that works well in IE
In netscape however, only the "headers" work, but the drop down menus are invisible (though when you run your mouse down, you can see the links)

the js file that needs to be worked on is 1mngn.js (can download from the site) but it works hand in hand with 2mnrec.js

Please see the page in both browsers and I just need the solution to my problem. TIA
Ah! Netscape!
Works fine with NS4.76!
NS6 is a piece of....

well for one... NS6 doesn't support document.layers

what you need to remember is NS6 is pretty much completely standards compliant. you can probably do all this with out any browser detection at all.

NS styles are done

s = getElementById("id");



you can use this in IE 5+ also...


So how do I go about changing it so that NS6 recognizes the menus? Im java'ed out, and everything to me is starting to look like mumbo-jumbo

Anyone can tell me where in the 1mngn.js file that I need to change it so I can get it to work?
the coding i have for the java script starts off :

if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Netscape6.0') != -1){isNS = 1}else{isNS = 0}

if(parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 && OpSys != "Linux" && OpSys != "Macintosh" && OpSys != "other" && isNS != 1){greenlight = true}else{greenlight = false}

var ie = document.all ? 1 : 0
var ns6 = document.layers ? 1 : 0

if(ns6){doc = "document."; sty = ""}
if(ie){doc = "document.all."; sty = ".style"}

(and the rest of the java defines how the menu will drop, and what would be created by the information from the 2nd js file - if you wish to see entire script you can download it from the site above)

But I think the problem is in these lines

I know ns6 now needs to use document.getElementById("Id").style or whatevers....but I dont know where to plug it in (specifically, I dont know the "programming" to do it)

what is the id? and where would i get that?

Anyone can help me debug? (very desperate ^_^)
Thanks for the links. I've been by your site, but I dont know how to implement yours (not downloadable i see)

Just need someone to DEBUG my scripts. Its frustrating, cause Ive tried the getElementById in several parts of teh code but its not working right.

I dont want to end up resorting to a new js since we're already using it (and to explain to my lower downs how to manage it...)

So Anyone willing to debug the scripts I have on that page?
They are downloadable, and you can download the page to play around with it. Just give me an IDEA as to how to implement getElementById(id) in that current script.
Cool menu system..still cant figure it out to implement it though
One reason is that I have an effect that happens when the menu drops down in the script that i have.
It doesn't suddenly appear, but rather, it cascades down when someone runs their mouse over the menu categories.
We want and automatic drop down; not where someone has to click to get the menu to appear.

Any thoughts?
The getElementById string is not working (i've tried replacing several lines with it, to no avail), so I need someone to go through my actual script:
(the first two lines of the script pulls from the actual html coding on the page)

var color_num5 = "#FFFFFF"
var color_num6 = "#000000"

function DetectOS() {
if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Linux') != -1)
{ var OpSys = "Linux"; }
else if((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1) &&
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('95') != -1))
{ var OpSys = "Windows95"; }
else if((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1) &&
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('98') != -1))
{ var OpSys = "Windows98"; }
else if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1)
{ var OpSys = "Windows3.1 or NT"; }
else if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1)
{ var OpSys = "Macintosh"; }
else { var OpSys = "other"; }
return OpSys;

var OpSys = DetectOS();

if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Netscape6.0') != -1){isNS = 1}else{isNS = 0}

if(parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 && OpSys != "Linux" && OpSys != "Macintosh" && OpSys != "other" && isNS != 1){greenlight = true}else{greenlight = false}

var ie = document.all ? 1 : 0
var ns6 = document.layers ? 1 : 0

if(ns6){doc = "document."; sty = ""}
if(ie){doc = "document.all."; sty = ".style"}

menucontent = new Array()
menustatus = new Array()
menutimer = new Array()
menuhues = new Array()

for(blip=0; blip<1000; blip++){
menutimer[blip] = &quot;&quot;
menucontent[blip] = &quot;&quot;

slash = &quot;/&quot;
start = &quot;<&quot;
fnctn = &quot;func&quot;
nmos = &quot; onMouse&quot;
open_c = &quot;(&quot;
open_cc = &quot;{&quot;

function createContent(huh, MenuID, V, Link_info, URL_info){
if(huh == &quot;add&quot;){
menucontent[V] = menucontent[V] + '<TR><TD align=center CLASS=&quot;' +MenuID+ 'cell&quot; onMouseover=&quot;mOver(this, ' +
&quot;'&quot;+ color_num6 +&quot;'&quot;+ ')&quot; onMouseout=&quot;mOut(this, ' +&quot;'&quot;+ menuhues[V][0] +&quot;', &quot; +&quot;'&quot;+ menuhues[V][2] +&quot;'&quot; + ')&quot; onMouseDown=&quot;mDown(this, ' +
&quot;'&quot;+ color_num6 +&quot;'&quot;+')&quot; onMouseUp=&quot;mUp('+ &quot;'&quot; +URL_info+ &quot;'&quot; +')&quot;>' + '<A HREF=&quot;'+ URL_info +'&quot; onFocus=&quot;this.blur()&quot; CLASS=&quot;' +
MenuID+ 'link&quot;><B> '+Link_info+'</B></A></TD></TR>'}


function mOver(elem, clr)
{elem.style.backgroundColor = clr;
elem.children.tags('A')[0].style.color = color_num5;}

function mOut(elem, clr, clr2)
{elem.style.backgroundColor = clr;
elem.children.tags('A')[0].style.color = clr2;}

function mDown(elem, clr)
{elem.style.backgroundColor = clr;
elem.children.tags('A')[0].style.color = color_num5;}

function mUp(path)
{location.href = path;}

function createMenu(MenuID, V, fromtop, fromleft, divWidth, max_drop, topclip, Title){
document.write('<style type=&quot;text/css&quot;>#', MenuID, '{position:absolute; width:', divWidth,
'px; top:', fromtop, 'px; left:', fromleft, 'px; clip:rect(0,', divWidth, ',', topclip, ',0); z-index:3; visibility:visible} ',
'.', MenuID, 'table{BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff;} ',
'.', MenuID, 'neutral{CURSOR: Default;} ',
'.', MenuID, 'cell{BACKGROUND-COLOR: ', menuhues[V][0], '; COLOR: #000000; CURSOR: Default; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt} ',
'.', MenuID, 'link{COLOR: ', menuhues[V][2], '; TEXT-DECORATION: none; CURSOR: Default;} ',

'<div ID=', MenuID,
' onMouseover=&quot;', 'scrolldown(', &quot;'&quot;, MenuID, &quot;'&quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, V, &quot;' &quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, divWidth, &quot;' &quot;, ', ', max_drop, ')&quot;',
' onMouseout=&quot;', 'scrollup(', &quot;'&quot;, MenuID, &quot;'&quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, V, &quot;' &quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, divWidth, &quot;' &quot;, ')&quot;>',

start, 'SCR', 'IPT', '>',
fnctn, 'tion', nmos, 'Over', open_c, ') ', open_cc, 'scrolldown', open_c, &quot;'&quot;, MenuID, &quot;'&quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, V, &quot;' &quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, divWidth, &quot;' &quot;, ', ', max_drop, ')', '}',
fnctn, 'tion', nmos, 'Out', open_c, ') ', open_cc, 'scrollup', open_c, &quot;'&quot;, MenuID, &quot;'&quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, V, &quot;' &quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, divWidth, &quot;' &quot;, ')', '}',
start, slash, 'SCR', 'IPT', '>',

'<table border=&quot;0&quot; width=', divWidth, ' cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ff0000&quot;>',
'<td width=&quot;100%&quot;>',
'<table border=&quot;0&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; cellspacing=&quot;1&quot; cellpadding=&quot;2&quot;>',
'<td CLASS=&quot;', MenuID, 'neutral&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;', menuhues[V][1], '&quot;><b><font color=&quot;', menuhues[V][3], '&quot; face=&quot;Arial&quot; size=&quot;2&quot;> ', Title, '</font></b></td></tr>',
menucontent[V], '</table>',


function scrolldown(MenuID, V, divWidth, max_drop)
if(menustatus[V] < max_drop){
if(ie){eval(&quot;document.all.&quot;+MenuID+&quot;.style&quot;).clip=&quot;rect(0,&quot;+ divWidth +&quot;,&quot;+ menustatus[V] +&quot;,0)&quot;}
menutimer[V]=setTimeout('scrolldown(&quot;' +MenuID+ '&quot;, ' +V+ ',' +divWidth+ ',' +max_drop+ ')',5)}

function scrollup(MenuID, V, divWidth)
if(menustatus[V] > 22){
if(ie){eval(&quot;document.all.&quot;+MenuID+&quot;.style&quot;).clip=&quot;rect(0,&quot;+ divWidth +&quot;,&quot;+ menustatus[V] +&quot;,0)&quot;}
menutimer[V]=setTimeout('scrollup(&quot;' +MenuID+ '&quot;, ' +V+ ',' +divWidth+ ')',5)}

Again, any help greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, this is the code me workers want because of what it can do.
One reason no one has download NS6 onto their computers.
I still maintain your menu works fine in NS4.76!
...Heaven, wasn't exactly what I had in mind!

;-) Oldnewbie
&quot;No matter how you look at it...
All the roads to success are always under construction!&quot;
Netscape 6.0 is not heaven....its hells interpretation of it

I need it for 6.0 (wish I could tell them not to use netscape, but since the page im making it for is going to be seen by many users and high end users....)

your main difficulty is:

var ie = document.all ? 1 : 0
var ns6 = document.layers ? 1 : 0

neither of these is returning true, as NS6 doesn't use these silly collections to do its jive. To see if its NS6:

var ns6 = (document.getElementById&amp;&amp;!document.all) ? 1:0

now when you are trying to access/change a menu item, you need to make a third condition for ns6:

if(ie){do something}
else if(ns4){something else}
else if(ns6)
el = document.createElement('DIV')

the example above makes a div (layer) and places it at 20,100 in the document. it also places the contents of menu_content into it using innerHTML. isn't that a nice feature?? try to do soem of the changes yourself... and become familiar with NS6. Just because we don't understand it, doesn't mean its bad! jared@aauser.com -
Thanks Jared

Tried your strings...

where do i put :

if(ie){do something}
else if(ns4){something else}
else if(ns6)
el = document.createElement('DIV')

exactly? (into my existing code) ... and i've noticed that any change that I do, doesnt work with the 2nd java file (2mnrec.js):

if(greenlight == true){
menuhues[0] = new Array(color_num1, color_num2, color_num3, color_num4)
menustatus[0] = 22
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Test1&quot;, 0, &quot;Home&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Test1&quot;, 0, &quot;Home2&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createMenu(&quot;Test1&quot;, 0, 21, 102, 80, 250, 22, &quot;Test1&quot;)

menuhues[1] = new Array(color_num1, color_num2, color_num3, color_num4)
menustatus[1] = 22
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Test2&quot;, 1, &quot;Live&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createMenu(&quot;Test2&quot;, 1, 21, 182, 100, 185, 22, &quot;Test2&quot;)

menuhues[2] = new Array(color_num1, color_num2, color_num3, color_num4)
menustatus[2] = 22
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Test3&quot;, 2, &quot;And1&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Test3&quot;, 2, &quot;And2&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Test3&quot;, 2, &quot;And3&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createMenu(&quot;Test3&quot;, 2, 21, 282, 110, 275, 22, &quot;Test3&quot;)

menuhues[3] = new Array(color_num1, color_num2, color_num3, color_num4)
menustatus[3] = 22
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Games&quot;, 3, &quot;? ? ?&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Games&quot;, 3, &quot;? ? ?&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Games&quot;, 3, &quot;? ? ?&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Games&quot;, 3, &quot;? ? ?&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Games&quot;, 3, &quot;? ? ?&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Games&quot;, 3, &quot;? ? ?&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Games&quot;, 3, &quot;? ? ?&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Games&quot;, 3, &quot;? ? ?&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createContent(&quot;add&quot;, &quot;Games&quot;, 3, &quot;? ? ?&quot;, &quot;#&quot;)
createMenu(&quot;Games&quot;, 3, 21, 392, 170, 180, 22, &quot;Games&quot;)


Sorry, I only have a minimal knowledge of Java scripting (beginning java script) and someone emailed me this code to use since I was making the page in NS 4 (and it works JUST fine in that browser) and I was getting complaints about it not working in NS 6.

Why did netscape programmers have to make it difficult? they had a good thing going with 4.7 and they pull this crap on us.
Okay this is what I have so far (for my 1mngen.js file)

var color_num5 = &quot;#FFFFFF&quot;
var color_num6 = &quot;#000000&quot;

function DetectOS() {
if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Linux') != -1)
{ var OpSys = &quot;Linux&quot;; }
else if((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1) &amp;&amp;
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('95') != -1))
{ var OpSys = &quot;Windows95&quot;; }
else if((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1) &amp;&amp;
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('98') != -1))
{ var OpSys = &quot;Windows98&quot;; }
else if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1)
{ var OpSys = &quot;Windows3.1 or NT&quot;; }
else if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1)
{ var OpSys = &quot;Macintosh&quot;; }
else { var OpSys = &quot;other&quot;; }
return OpSys;

var OpSys = DetectOS();

if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Netscape6.0') != -1){isNS = 1}else{isNS = 0}

if(parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 &amp;&amp; OpSys != &quot;Linux&quot; &amp;&amp; OpSys != &quot;Macintosh&quot; &amp;&amp; OpSys != &quot;other&quot; &amp;&amp; isNS != 1){greenlight = true}else{greenlight = false}

var ie = document.all ? 1 : 0
var ns6 = (document.getElementById&amp;&amp;!document.all) ? 1:0

if(ns6){doc = &quot;document.getElementById&quot;; sty = &quot;&quot;}
if(ie){doc = &quot;document.all.&quot;; sty = &quot;.style&quot;}

menucontent = new Array()
menustatus = new Array()
menutimer = new Array()
menuhues = new Array()

for(blip=0; blip<1000; blip++){
menutimer[blip] = &quot;&quot;
menucontent[blip] = &quot;&quot;

slash = &quot;/&quot;
start = &quot;<&quot;
fnctn = &quot;func&quot;
nmos = &quot; onMouse&quot;
open_c = &quot;(&quot;
open_cc = &quot;{&quot;

function createContent(huh, MenuID, V, Link_info, URL_info){
if(huh == &quot;add&quot;){
menucontent[V] = menucontent[V] + '<TR><TD align=center CLASS=&quot;' +MenuID+ 'cell&quot; onMouseover=&quot;mOver(this, ' +
&quot;'&quot;+ color_num6 +&quot;'&quot;+ ')&quot; onMouseout=&quot;mOut(this, ' +&quot;'&quot;+ menuhues[V][0] +&quot;', &quot; +&quot;'&quot;+ menuhues[V][2] +&quot;'&quot; + ')&quot; onMouseDown=&quot;mDown(this, ' +
&quot;'&quot;+ color_num6 +&quot;'&quot;+')&quot; onMouseUp=&quot;mUp('+ &quot;'&quot; +URL_info+ &quot;'&quot; +')&quot;>' + '<A HREF=&quot;'+ URL_info +'&quot; onFocus=&quot;this.blur()&quot; CLASS=&quot;' +
MenuID+ 'link&quot;><B> '+Link_info+'</B></A></TD></TR>'}


function mOver(elem, clr)
{elem.style.backgroundColor = clr;
elem.children.tags('A')[0].style.color = color_num5;}

function mOut(elem, clr, clr2)
{elem.style.backgroundColor = clr;
elem.children.tags('A')[0].style.color = clr2;}

function mDown(elem, clr)
{elem.style.backgroundColor = clr;
elem.children.tags('A')[0].style.color = color_num5;}

function mUp(path)
{location.href = path;}

function createMenu(MenuID, V, fromtop, fromleft, divWidth, max_drop, topclip, Title){
document.write('<style type=&quot;text/css&quot;>#', MenuID, '{position:absolute; width:', divWidth,
'px; top:', fromtop, 'px; left:', fromleft, 'px; clip:rect(0,', divWidth, ',', topclip, ',0); z-index:3; visibility:visible} ',
'.', MenuID, 'table{BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff;} ',
'.', MenuID, 'neutral{CURSOR: Default;} ',
'.', MenuID, 'cell{BACKGROUND-COLOR: ', menuhues[V][0], '; COLOR: #000000; CURSOR: Default; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt} ',
'.', MenuID, 'link{COLOR: ', menuhues[V][2], '; TEXT-DECORATION: none; CURSOR: Default;} ',

'<div ID=', MenuID,
' onMouseover=&quot;', 'scrolldown(', &quot;'&quot;, MenuID, &quot;'&quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, V, &quot;' &quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, divWidth, &quot;' &quot;, ', ', max_drop, ')&quot;',
' onMouseout=&quot;', 'scrollup(', &quot;'&quot;, MenuID, &quot;'&quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, V, &quot;' &quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, divWidth, &quot;' &quot;, ')&quot;>',

start, 'SCR', 'IPT', '>',
fnctn, 'tion', nmos, 'Over', open_c, ') ', open_cc, 'scrolldown', open_c, &quot;'&quot;, MenuID, &quot;'&quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, V, &quot;' &quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, divWidth, &quot;' &quot;, ', ', max_drop, ')', '}',
fnctn, 'tion', nmos, 'Out', open_c, ') ', open_cc, 'scrollup', open_c, &quot;'&quot;, MenuID, &quot;'&quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, V, &quot;' &quot;, &quot;, '&quot;, divWidth, &quot;' &quot;, ')', '}',
start, slash, 'SCR', 'IPT', '>',

'<table border=&quot;0&quot; width=', divWidth, ' cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ff0000&quot;>',
'<td width=&quot;100%&quot;>',
'<table border=&quot;0&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; cellspacing=&quot;1&quot; cellpadding=&quot;2&quot;>',
'<td CLASS=&quot;', MenuID, 'neutral&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;', menuhues[V][1], '&quot;><b><font color=&quot;', menuhues[V][3], '&quot; face=&quot;Arial&quot; size=&quot;2&quot;> ', Title, '</font></b></td></tr>',
menucontent[V], '</table>',


function scrolldown(MenuID, V, divWidth, max_drop)
if(menustatus[V] < max_drop){
if(ie){eval(&quot;document.all.&quot;+MenuID+&quot;.style&quot;).clip=&quot;rect(0,&quot;+ divWidth +&quot;,&quot;+ menustatus[V] +&quot;,0)&quot;}
menutimer[V]=setTimeout('scrolldown(&quot;' +MenuID+ '&quot;, ' +V+ ',' +divWidth+ ',' +max_drop+ ')',5)}

function scrollup(MenuID, V, divWidth)
if(menustatus[V] > 22){
if(ie){eval(&quot;document.all.&quot;+MenuID+&quot;.style&quot;).clip=&quot;rect(0,&quot;+ divWidth +&quot;,&quot;+ menustatus[V] +&quot;,0)&quot;}
menutimer[V]=setTimeout('scrollup(&quot;' +MenuID+ '&quot;, ' +V+ ',' +divWidth+ ')',5)}

Where do i put your string for Ns6?

Do i replace:

if(ns6){doc = &quot;document.getElementById&quot;; sty = &quot;&quot;}
if(ie){doc = &quot;document.all.&quot;; sty = &quot;.style&quot;}

these two lines with the one you posted?
I have already done so, and the menu disappears.
If i keep it as is, the menu is still there, the drop down topics are still invisible.

Also, what am I supposed to alter in:

if(ie){do something}
else if(ns4){something else}
else if(ns6)
el = document.createElement('DIV')

So that it fits (like the first line... {do something} i hope that you mean that I keep the original line that it calls for)

And again, any changes (like the one just above)
makes my second java file 2mnrec.js not work.

in netscape 6 you still .style


document.getElementById(&quot;id&quot;).style.whatever. adam@aauser.com

Have tried that earlier and it doesnt work.
the menus either disappear totally
or they stack up on each other because i named my &quot;div&quot; in the divid= tag

so i have to either &quot;not name&quot; my div tag
figure out how to get the getElementById to work without refering to a div tag.
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