Technical User
Hi, I'm making an online educational comntent management for a University Project using PHP and MySQL. I've been using Firefox (my default browser) to check results.. I never expect things to work in IE but when I checked out my latest script it displays nothing.. the source seems to be correct and the CSS and output HTML are all OK according to
Everything displays as intended in Firefox but all I get is a white screen and the below when I view source..
Just realisd that the testing data I put into the SQL table is about my girlfriend so.. ignore the fact that the word boobs is in there. She was sat there and I was sick of just spamming my keyboard - concentrate on the code!
Quick notes on what I've tried:
Thought it might be something to do with \n useage.. I'm using ConTEXT and got it to replace all \n with <custom/> this resulted in Opera displaying a fragment of the very last input checkbox in the last table row.
Also commented out all echos in PHP, leaving a plain HTML message in pre-PHP body, this displayed correctly.
When I un-commented the echos it wouldn't display the text after <body> I gradually worked my way through and narrowed the problem to the dov or table echoing regions, but other than that I can't see wht the problem is. I REALLY hope it isn't to do with ' and " differences any help is greatly appreciated.
It's not vital that it works on other browsers but I went to all the trouble of validating it it's a shame to waste it
(And it's just professionalism/curiosity I guess)
Everything displays as intended in Firefox but all I get is a white screen and the below when I view source..
Just realisd that the testing data I put into the SQL table is about my girlfriend so.. ignore the fact that the word boobs is in there. She was sat there and I was sick of just spamming my keyboard - concentrate on the code!
Quick notes on what I've tried:
Thought it might be something to do with \n useage.. I'm using ConTEXT and got it to replace all \n with <custom/> this resulted in Opera displaying a fragment of the very last input checkbox in the last table row.
Also commented out all echos in PHP, leaving a plain HTML message in pre-PHP body, this displayed correctly.
When I un-commented the echos it wouldn't display the text after <body> I gradually worked my way through and narrowed the problem to the dov or table echoing regions, but other than that I can't see wht the problem is. I REALLY hope it isn't to do with ' and " differences any help is greatly appreciated.
It's not vital that it works on other browsers but I went to all the trouble of validating it it's a shame to waste it
(And it's just professionalism/curiosity I guess)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
"[URL unfurl="true"]">[/URL]
<html xmlns="[URL unfurl="true"]">[/URL]
<link rel="stylesheet" href="basic.css"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<title>Create a new Module</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="hittastic.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="Project_Java.js"/>
<div id='tablecont'><div id='leftcontainer'><form name='submodform' method='post' action='createmodule.php?sl=1'>
<table id='lefttable' class='lefttable1 tableedge1 '><tr><td colspan='3' class='headercell centered'> <span class='Header'>-Available Submodules-</span></td></tr>
<tr id='TR1' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR1','TD21','1','3')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR1','TD21','1','3')" onclick="rowMClick2('3')"><td id='TD1' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR1','TD21','1','3')" type='checkbox' id='CK3'/></td>
<td id='TD21' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Shoes</td><td id='TDx1' class='greytable'>Girls like shoes, foot adornments</td></tr>
<tr id='TR2' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR2','TD22','2','2')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR2','TD22','2','2')" onclick="rowMClick2('2')"><td id='TD2' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR2','TD22','2','2')" type='checkbox' id='CK2'/></td>
<td id='TD22' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Fake-up</td><td id='TDx2' class='greytable'>Cement for your face</td></tr>
<tr id='TR3' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR3','TD23','3','1')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR3','TD23','3','1')" onclick="rowMClick2('1')"><td id='TD3' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR3','TD23','3','1')" type='checkbox' id='CK1'/></td>
<td id='TD23' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Boobs</td><td id='TDx3' class='greytable'>Well..</td></tr>
<tr id='TR4' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR4','TD24','4','4')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR4','TD24','4','4')" onclick="rowMClick2('4')"><td id='TD4' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR4','TD24','4','4')" type='checkbox' id='CK4'/></td>
<td id='TD24' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Hair</td><td id='TDx4' class='greytable'>Long silky hair</td></tr>
<tr id='TR5' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR5','TD25','5','67')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR5','TD25','5','67')" onclick="rowMClick2('67')"><td id='TD5' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR5','TD25','5','67')" type='checkbox' id='CK67'/></td>
<td id='TD25' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Eyes</td><td id='TDx5' class='greytable'>Big, Brown</td></tr>
<tr id='TR6' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR6','TD26','6','68')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR6','TD26','6','68')" onclick="rowMClick2('68')"><td id='TD6' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR6','TD26','6','68')" type='checkbox' id='CK68'/></td>
<td id='TD26' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Thing1</td><td id='TDx6' class='greytable'>Desc1</td></tr>
<tr id='TR7' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR7','TD27','7','69')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR7','TD27','7','69')" onclick="rowMClick2('69')"><td id='TD7' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR7','TD27','7','69')" type='checkbox' id='CK69'/></td>
<td id='TD27' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Thing2</td><td id='TDx7' class='greytable'>Desc2</td></tr>
<tr id='TR8' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR8','TD28','8','70')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR8','TD28','8','70')" onclick="rowMClick2('70')"><td id='TD8' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR8','TD28','8','70')" type='checkbox' id='CK70'/></td>
<td id='TD28' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Thing3</td><td id='TDx8' class='greytable'>Desc3</td></tr>
<tr id='TR9' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR9','TD29','9','71')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR9','TD29','9','71')" onclick="rowMClick2('71')"><td id='TD9' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR9','TD29','9','71')" type='checkbox' id='CK71'/></td>
<td id='TD29' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Thing4</td><td id='TDx9' class='greytable'>Desc4</td></tr>
<tr id='TR10' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR10','TD210','10','72')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR10','TD210','10','72')" onclick="rowMClick2('72')"><td id='TD10' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR10','TD210','10','72')" type='checkbox' id='CK72'/></td>
<td id='TD210' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Thing5</td><td id='TDx10' class='greytable'>Desc5</td></tr>
<tr id='TR11' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR11','TD211','11','73')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR11','TD211','11','73')" onclick="rowMClick2('73')"><td id='TD11' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR11','TD211','11','73')" type='checkbox' id='CK73'/></td>
<td id='TD211' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Thing6</td><td id='TDx11' class='greytable'>Desc6 373737373 737 37 373 73 3 73 7 37 37373 73 73 73 73 7373 73 73 7 7737373737 373 3 73 7 3737 7 6 73 73 73 73 3 7</td></tr>
<tr id='TR12' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR12','TD212','12','74')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR12','TD212','12','74')" onclick="rowMClick2('74')"><td id='TD12' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR12','TD212','12','74')" type='checkbox' id='CK74'/></td>
<td id='TD212' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Thing7</td><td id='TDx12' class='greytable'>Desc7</td></tr>
<tr id='TR13' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR13','TD213','13','75')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR13','TD213','13','75')" onclick="rowMClick2('75')"><td id='TD13' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR13','TD213','13','75')" type='checkbox' id='CK75'/></td>
<td id='TD213' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Thing8</td><td id='TDx13' class='greytable'>Desc8</td></tr>
<tr id='TR14' onmouseover="rowMOver('TR14','TD214','14','76')" onmouseout="rowMOut('TR14','TD214','14','76')" onclick="rowMClick2('76')"><td id='TD14' class='maxwidth20'><input onclick="rowMClick('TR14','TD214','14','76')" type='checkbox' id='CK76'/></td>
<td id='TD214' class='SmallHeader maxwidth30'>Thing9</td><td id='TDx14' class='greytable'>Desc9</td></tr>