How can I work with Worksheets placed in a Add-in ? How can I show them to the user ?
I used to have my macros in a workbook, the initilization was automatic and I hid the workbook containing the macros in the beginning. When I needed to show information to the user or manipulate the data in the worksheets I used to hide/unhide my workbook containing the 'secret' worksheets and work from there.
For convenience I decided to transform my Workbook as Add-in (so the user don't have to launch the automatic macros himself each time) but now I can't manage to access, nor show to the user the worksheets I have in the Add-in.
How can I work with a Worksheet placed in a Add-in ?
(i need .Activate, .Visible properties etc ...)
thks alot!
How can I work with Worksheets placed in a Add-in ? How can I show them to the user ?
I used to have my macros in a workbook, the initilization was automatic and I hid the workbook containing the macros in the beginning. When I needed to show information to the user or manipulate the data in the worksheets I used to hide/unhide my workbook containing the 'secret' worksheets and work from there.
For convenience I decided to transform my Workbook as Add-in (so the user don't have to launch the automatic macros himself each time) but now I can't manage to access, nor show to the user the worksheets I have in the Add-in.
How can I work with a Worksheet placed in a Add-in ?
(i need .Activate, .Visible properties etc ...)
thks alot!