An app of mine creates a splash screen during app initialization, and it's free'd before even the main screen is shown. Has to be manually created this way. However, from the main screen, as I'm doing the loading, I want to post a status to this splash screen (somehow send just a string to it). Since it's manually created in the application source (not the form unit), I cannot access it. How can I just send some data to this screen?
For example, from the main form while I load, I want to post some data to the splash screen like:
JD Solutions
For example, from the main form while I load, I want to post some data to the splash screen like:
procedure TForm1.PostToSplash(const Status: String; const Progress, ProgressMax: Integer);
//Send 'Status', 'Progress', and 'ProgressMax' to splash screen to update
JD Solutions