About 4 years ago, my IT department set up my server for CR8 (Licensed as CR7, then CR8 profession upgrade). The employee that set it up is gone and the new employee can't figure out the following even after looking at the manual.
Anyway, I have CR8 working, but I use Recrystallize to create reports for the web. Within the Recrystallize setup the form asks if you want to use the Crystal Web Component Server or "Use Active Server Pages". I normally pick the Active Server pages for a few reports, but it's not working on the new replacement server. Instead, I get an error message of "CRAXDRT Error Occurred on Server. -2147192191 : physical database not found.
Now if I use the Crystal Web Componenet, it works fine. However, I would rather use the ASP instead on a few reports.
Any ideas?
Anyway, I have CR8 working, but I use Recrystallize to create reports for the web. Within the Recrystallize setup the form asks if you want to use the Crystal Web Component Server or "Use Active Server Pages". I normally pick the Active Server pages for a few reports, but it's not working on the new replacement server. Instead, I get an error message of "CRAXDRT Error Occurred on Server. -2147192191 : physical database not found.
Now if I use the Crystal Web Componenet, it works fine. However, I would rather use the ASP instead on a few reports.
Any ideas?