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Workgroup engine and client conflict

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Dec 29, 2001
Hi fellows,

I have two applications that run against Pervasive SQL, at the begining both were installed independently in different servers and different clients (users). The first one was running against Pervasive SQL 2000 (using the client) and the second (Business Works Gold) was running against Pervasive SQL 2000i (using the workgroup engine).

As we need to allow several users to run both applications I tried to install both clients in the same machine but couldn't make both work simultaneously.

In another post in this forum I was told to make both applications run against Pervasive SQL 2000i as this is a minor upgrade from Pervasive 2000 and so I did. The databases are now both on Pervasive 2000i. However, I can´t make the client and the workgroup engine work simultaneously.

Does anyone have an idea of what can I do? I'm very ignorant and confused about Pervasive SQL connection architecture so a clear explanation of the situation would be very very helpful.

Thanks a lot,

Mauricio Peccorini
What problem are you having? The WOrkgroup engine includes components that allow it to act as a client for remote data when that data is on a server with the server engine.
Are you getting errors?
If so, what errors?
Have you tried just using Pervasive (eliminating the apps for the sake of testing)?

Custom VB and Btrieve development.
Certified Pervasive Developer
Certified Pervasive Technician
As you advised in another thread, I migrated my database from Pervasive 2000 to Pervasive 2000i and using the Pervasive 2000i client it worked well.

After that I installed the second application (Business Works) and as it requires the Workgroup Engine eventhough we are using a server engine I installed that. After the Workgroup Engine installation the first application started reporting an error code 11 (invalid file but I can open the file from other clients) when trying to open the first table. After I rebooted the client machine it started reporting an error code 8020 (error loading component). Documentation states PVSW\BIN should be included in the PATH enviroment variable and it effectively is included.

Sorry I didn´t explain all this behaviour in the first post. I see it would have been helpful but I thought my situation was very common.

Thanks for the help,

Mauricio Peccorini
For the status 11, the application is probably looking for the files in a specific location and you need to make sure they are there.
For the 8020, post the PVSW.LOG from the machine getting the status 8020. It should be in the WINDOWS directory.
Also, do any of the Pervasive tools (PCC, Function Executor, etc) work? If so, then start them and then try the app. Does it still get the 8020? If not, then it's a path issue.

Custom VB and Btrieve development.
Certified Pervasive Developer
Certified Pervasive Technician
New facts:
- error 8020 is not showing anymore (I have no idea why)
- the first attempt to open a table fails with error 12 reporting the file's path and name (N:\PL-CCC\CP-TABLA.DTA). I double checked and the network mapping is in place (also tried connecting the network mapping as the servers administrator) and the file is in the correct path.
- sucessive attempts to open files report error code 12 but the files are again in the correct path
- PVSW.LOG is not showing anything but type I (information) messages.

Thanks so much for your help, but I'm kind of loosing hope with this issue,

Mauricio Peccorini
Can you open the file (N:\PL-CCC\CP-TABLA.DTA) usign the FUnction Executor? Does it give a status 12?

As a last resort, have you contacted the vendors?

Custom VB and Btrieve development.
Certified Pervasive Developer
Certified Pervasive Technician
Both PCC and Function Executor work fine, the application vendor... useless :-(
I have enabled microkernel's trace and here is the result

It is kind of cryptic but you can see the table's name and the operation's result. It appears to me that there are some spaces and strange characters after the file's name, is that normal?

<In> 0016 Opcode : 0000 Crs ID : 0xffffffff Db Length : 00001 Keynum : 00 Clnt ID : FF FF FF FF 00 00 C0 A8 70 9F 05 9E 57 52 88 02 Clock : 0006d444 Time : Fri Jun 18 12:00:01 2004
DBuf: 4e 4f 54 53 48 4f 57 4e - 00 NOTSHOWN.
KBuf: 5c 5c 54 61 67 2d 63 63 - 63 2d 64 62 2d 30 30 31 \\Tag-ccc-db-001
5c 54 58 54 4c 5c 50 4c - 2d 43 43 43 5c 43 50 2d \TXTL\PL-CCC\CP-
54 41 42 4c 41 2e 44 54 - 41 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 TABLA.DTA
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 - 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 - 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 c3 84 04 00 02 - 00 00 50 19 bd 00 d0 bf Ä.....P.½.п
c0 80 17 b4 f7 23 5d d4 - 22 5b de 96 06 b5 06 2d À€.´÷#]Ô"[Þ–.µ.-
c9 d9 09 ee 57 - ÉÙ.îW
File: "\\Tag-ccc-db-001\TXTL\PL-CCC\CP-TABLA.DTA Ä"

<Out>0016 Status : 0011 Crs ID : 0x00000000 Db Length : 00001 Keynum : 00 Clnt ID : FF FF FF FF 00 00 C0 A8 70 9F 05 9E 57 52 88 02 Clock : 0006d444 Time : Fri Jun 18 12:00:01 2004
DBuf: 4e 4f 54 53 48 4f 57 4e - 00 NOTSHOWN.
KBuf: 5c 5c 54 61 67 2d 63 63 - 63 2d 64 62 2d 30 30 31 \\Tag-ccc-db-001
5c 54 58 54 4c 5c 50 4c - 2d 43 43 43 5c 43 50 2d \TXTL\PL-CCC\CP-
54 41 42 4c 41 2e 44 54 - 41 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 TABLA.DTA
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 - 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 - 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 c3 84 04 00 02 - 00 00 50 19 43 43 43 2d Ä.....P.CCC-
4d 50 45 43 43 4f 52 49 - 4e 49 5c 6d 70 65 63 63 MPECCORINI\mpecc
6f 72 69 6e 69 - orini

That can be normal. What you should do now is run the trace on a working machine. Then compare the Open that works with the one that fails to see where the difference is...

Custom VB and Btrieve development.
Certified Pervasive Developer
Certified Pervasive Technician
Thanks for your help Mirtheil, effectively those spaces where what was wrong. I found out that you can control them by setting Configuration->Client->Application Characteristics->Embedded Spaces to Off.

Now both applications are working fine. I still don't know exactly what the setting is for, I guess it should be allways off but nevermind.

Thanks a lot anyway,

Mauricio Peccorini
I have a very similar problem... Im using Pervasive v8.5.

The two applications I have are ACCPAC(an old version) and the latest (Jul) build of Maximizer.

One server hosts the data for both these.

ACCPAC wants the client engine, but when I install maximizer it removes the client engine and uses the workgroup engine. However, when I use the workgroup engine, Maximizer is REALLY really slow. So then I have to re-install the client engine over top, but employees complain of errors in maximizer every few hours.

Any thoughts?

Errors are error 3012, error 3, error 171

You really should start a new thread rather than dig this one up.
What do you mean by "Client Engine" and "Workgroup Engine". What versions are the two programs using?
A 3012 means: Local engine is not accessible to the MicroKernel router (basically, the app is trying to open a file locally but can't find an engine or the app can't communicate with a server engine and then can't find a local engine).
THe status 3 is "File not open" and would be expected after a 3012.
The 171 means "Database login failed" and "Authentication to the database failed due to a wrong or missing password." This is most likely an application issue or a user issue.

Certified Pervasive Developer
Certified Pervasive Technician
Custom VB and Btrieve development.
Client Engine and Workgroup Engine - These are two of the three engines pervasive offers.

I understand their are three offerings in v8....I found this information on the pervasive.com site

Pervasive v8 Server
Pervasive v8 Client (requester)
Pervasive v8 Workgroup

(All versions of Pervasive are v8.4. We use Maximizer 8, build 1425 and ACCPAC Small business series 4.2a)

The first two are meant to work hand in hand of course.

My understanding is that you can install one of these on any given machine, and no more. I am a little confused why the Maximizer Enterprise 8 Workstation CD installs the Workgroup engine, and not the Client Engine.

The Workgroup Engine allows remote and local access. The CLient Engine only allows access to a remote machine (no local access). Maximizer installs the WGE because it probably needs to access files locally on the machine. THe WGE has the same "client" components as the Client (requester).
I'm not aware of an 8.4 release of Pervasive. I know of 8.0, 8.1, 8.5, and 8.6. WGE, client, and server should be at the same patch level to function correctly.

Certified Pervasive Developer
Certified Pervasive Technician
Custom VB and Btrieve development.
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