Hello All,
I have an excel workbook that is being used to track our sales people's call results. Basically, I have a list of prospects that they can call and then choose from a drop down menu whether they left a voice mail, set an appointment, not interested, and a few more options.
Anyway, the sales people want call their prospect 3 time and if they don't get a hold of them they want to recycle (call the lead back) after 90 days. I have added an option in the drop down menu called 'last voice mail' this allows me to know when they left the last message before they are going to recycle them in 90 days. I have setup a worksheet change event that outputs the date they select last voice mail option.
Then I wrote the workbook open event code below that cycles through each of the sales people's sheets and checks the dates. If the date is 90 days old it will highlight the prospect so the sales person knows to start calling them again.
This code doesn't work when I make the workbook shared so more then one sales person can be in it at the same time. Anyway, the error I am getting is "Run-time Error 1004 application-defined or object-defined error." Any help you can provide as to how to fix this would be much appreciated.
I have an excel workbook that is being used to track our sales people's call results. Basically, I have a list of prospects that they can call and then choose from a drop down menu whether they left a voice mail, set an appointment, not interested, and a few more options.
Anyway, the sales people want call their prospect 3 time and if they don't get a hold of them they want to recycle (call the lead back) after 90 days. I have added an option in the drop down menu called 'last voice mail' this allows me to know when they left the last message before they are going to recycle them in 90 days. I have setup a worksheet change event that outputs the date they select last voice mail option.
Then I wrote the workbook open event code below that cycles through each of the sales people's sheets and checks the dates. If the date is 90 days old it will highlight the prospect so the sales person knows to start calling them again.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim stPartner As String 'Used to pass the value of a cell in Named Range "Partners"
Dim rPartner As Range 'Used to loop through each worksheet
Dim rLoop1 As Range 'Used to loop through a "Partner's" worksheet
Dim stSelect As String
For Each rPartner In Range("Partners") ' Loops through each "Partner's" worksheet
Select Case rPartner
Case "Lynn Devitt"
stPartner = "Lynn"
Case "Marlys Fiterman"
stPartner = "Marlys"
Case "Leslie Martens"
stPartner = "Leslie"
Case "Mike Westling"
stPartner = "Mike"
Case "John Nentwig"
stPartner = "John"
Case "Norv Henrichs"
stPartner = "Norv"
End Select
For Each rLoop1 In Worksheets(stPartner).UsedRange.Columns(23).Offset(1).Cells 'Loops through
If rLoop1.Value <> "" And rLoop1.Value <= Date - 90 Then
stSelect = rLoop1.Offset(0, -22).Address + ":" + rLoop1.Offset(0, 16).Address
Range(stSelect).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
End If
Next rLoop1
Next rPartner
End Sub
This code doesn't work when I make the workbook shared so more then one sales person can be in it at the same time. Anyway, the error I am getting is "Run-time Error 1004 application-defined or object-defined error." Any help you can provide as to how to fix this would be much appreciated.