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Word97 File Using VFP Database

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May 8, 2001
Does anyone know how to create a Microsoft Word Document using VFP 6.0 Database Fields? From a form using a command button.
The link below could help you
thread184-74200 ramani :-9
I'm still having problems with this can anyone help here is the error message and code.

OLE IDispatch Exception Code 0 from Microsoft Word Word unable to open datasource.

It is Erroring at the .MailMergeOpenDataSource, where the set step on is.

Can anyone Help

local idx, vioid, vendid

set exclu off
set talk on
set dele on
set safe off

with thisform
if not empty(.onevendor1.value)
idx = .vendorlist1.listindex
vncode = .vendorlist1.list(idx,2)
cvncode = vncode
if not empty(.oneviolation1.value)
idx = .violations1.listindex
vioid = .violations1.list(idx,2)
cvioid = vioid

dstartdate = ctod(.startdate1.value)
denddate = ctod(.enddate1.value)

if dstartdate = { / / } or denddate = { / / }
messagebox("Invalid Parameters - Include Startdate, Enddate",16)


select vendcomply.vcid, vendor.vncontact, vendor.vnname, vendor.vnaddress1, vendor.vnaddress2,;
vendor.vncity, vendor.vnstate, vendor.vnpostal, iif(vendcomply.billpo=1,"PO #","") as viol1,;
iif(vendcomply.billpallet=1,"Pallet Count","") as viol2, iif(vendcomply.billcarton=1,"Carton Count","") as viol3,;
iif(vendcomply.lblpo=1,"DDS PO# on Label","") as viol4, iif(vendcomply.lblsku=1,"DDS Sku# on Label","") as viol5,;
iif(vendcomply.lbldesc=1,"Item Desc on Label","") as viol6, iif(vendcomply.lblum=1,"U/M per Carton","") as viol7,;
iif(vendcomply.palstandar=2,"Sub Standard Pallets","") as viol8, iif(vendcomply.pallblexp=1,"Carton Labels Exposed","") as viol9,;
iif(vendcomply.paldimenio=1,"Product Contained to Pallet Dimenions","") as viol10,;
iif(vendcomply.paldamage=2,"Product Damaged due to Improper Shipping","") as viol11,;
iif(vendcomply.pklist=1 ,"Packing List Included","") as viol12, iif(vendcomply.pkonlead=1,"On Lead Carton","") as viol13,;
iif(vendcomply.pksku=1,"DDS Sku# on Packing List","") as viol14, iif(vendcomply.pkpo=1,"PO# on Packing List","") as viol15,;
iif(vendcomply.repack=1 ,"Re-Pack was Required","") as viol16, iif(vendcomply.carrier=1,"There was a Carrier Issue","") as viol17;
from Vendorcomply;
join vendor on vendor.vncode = vendcomply.vendid;
where vendcomply.vcdate between dstartdate and enddate;
order by 3,1;
group by 3,1;
into table (sys(2023) + "\Testdata")

copy to c:\VFP\Testdata.dbf delimited

public oword
oword = createobject("Word.Basic")
with oword
.appshow && Makes Word Visible
.filenewdefault && Opens up blank Word document
.mailmergemaindocumenttype(0) && the active window a document

* Open the data source
* The following command uses C:\VFP as the path
* to the data source

set step on

.MailMergeOpenDataSource("C:\VFP\testdata.dbf",0,0,1,0,"", ;
"",0, "","","DSN=FoxPro Files;DBQ=C:\VFP;DefaultDir=C:\VFP ;
Deleted=1;DriverId=24;JetIniPath=odbcddp.ini;Statistics=0;", ;SELECT * FROM testdata.dbf","")

* Activates the mail merge main document

* The following Insert commands place text into the Word
* document. You can change these commands to place any text in
* the document. This example uses a typical business letter
* format.


.insert("550 College Terrace") && Inserts a string
.insertpara && Inserts a carriage return
.insert("Orangeburg, SC 29915")
.insert(", ")
.insert("Dear ")
.insert("Thank You For Your Support.")
.insert("Traci Graski")

* Merges data records with the main document

* Saves the active document with the specified name

copy to c:\VFP\Testdata.dbf delimited

First, remove the delimited argument for your COPY TO command, so that VFP creates a table and not a delimited text file.

Second, verify you have a DSN named Foxpro Files.

Next, verify that C:\VFP\testdata.dbf exists and contains data. Jon Hawkins
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