I'm currently setting up a template to help users on the network configure signatures to a company format. I currently have the template working with Fill-In Fields that ask the user for their Full Name / e-mail Address / and Job Description. The template then formats a signature for them. This works ok now, but I'd like to have it add two features....
1. I would like it to display the requested e-mail address in hyperlink format. (So it would display but the hyperlink would contain While I can format the display to appear to do this, it's not a hyperlink at this point.
2. Rather then have them type in the Job Description, I would prefer a list to pop up asking them to choose their Job Description from the list. (Then the document would insert it where it currently displays now)
What's nice about Fill-In fields is that they immediately ask the user for this input when they open the template, unlike Ask field type where I think they have to hit F9 or Alt-F9. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
I'm currently setting up a template to help users on the network configure signatures to a company format. I currently have the template working with Fill-In Fields that ask the user for their Full Name / e-mail Address / and Job Description. The template then formats a signature for them. This works ok now, but I'd like to have it add two features....
1. I would like it to display the requested e-mail address in hyperlink format. (So it would display but the hyperlink would contain While I can format the display to appear to do this, it's not a hyperlink at this point.
2. Rather then have them type in the Job Description, I would prefer a list to pop up asking them to choose their Job Description from the list. (Then the document would insert it where it currently displays now)
What's nice about Fill-In fields is that they immediately ask the user for this input when they open the template, unlike Ask field type where I think they have to hit F9 or Alt-F9. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.