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Word/RTF - Different problem.

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Aug 31, 2000
Ok, I am having a new RTF problem. Now the page displays in both browsers but only shows one record in the table. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


<link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; href=&quot;css/intranet.css&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot;>
<CFQUERY DATASOURCE=&quot;#Request.App.Datasource#&quot; name=&quot;select&quot;>
SELECT     NewSU20.TripID AS TripID, NewSU20.DateDepart AS DateDepart, NewSU20.Destination AS Destination, ActualCosts.ActualAmount AS ActualAmount, fundacct.EstCost AS EstCost, NewSU20.Nature AS Nature, NewSU20.naturesel AS naturesel, fundacct.GL1 AS GL1, fundacct.GL2 AS GL2, fundacct.GL3 AS GL3, fundacct.GL4 AS GL4, fundacct.CC1 AS CC1, fundacct.CC2 AS CC2, fundacct.CC3 AS CC3, fundacct.CC4 AS CC4, fundacct.CC5 AS CC5, fundacct.CC6 AS CC6, fundacct.CC7 AS CC7, fundacct.CC8 AS CC8, fundacct.CC9 AS CC9, fundacct.CC10 AS CC10, fundacct.F1 AS F1, fundacct.F2 AS F2, fundacct.F3 AS F3, fundacct.F4 AS F4, fundacct.F5 AS F5, fundacct.F6 AS F6, fundacct.F7 AS F7, fundacct.Func1 AS Func1, fundacct.Func2 AS Func2, fundacct.Func3 AS Func3, fundacct.Func4 AS Func4, fundacct2.budgetlong AS BudgetNo
FROM         NewSU20, ActualCosts, fundacct, fundacct2
WHERE NewSU20.TripID=ActualCosts.TripID AND NewSU20.TripID=fundacct.TripID AND fundacct2.TripID=NewSU20.TripID AND fundacct2.budgetlong='5812000000000000000000000'
<cfquery name=&quot;sumestimate&quot; datasource=&quot;#Request.App.Datasource#&quot;>
SELECT SUM(fundacct.EstCost) AS ETotal, fundacct2.budgetlong
FROM fundacct INNER JOIN fundacct2 ON fundacct.TripID = fundacct2.TripID
WHERE fundacct2.budgetlong='5812000000000000000000000'
GROUP BY fundacct2.budgetlong
<cfquery name=&quot;sumactualcost&quot; datasource=&quot;#Request.App.Datasource#&quot;>
SELECT SUM(ActualCosts.ActualAmount) AS ATotal, fundacct2.budgetlong
FROM ActualCosts INNER JOIN fundacct2 ON ActualCosts.TripID = fundacct2.TripID
WHERE fundacct2.budgetlong='5812000000000000000000000'
GROUP BY fundacct2.budgetlong
<head><title>Funding Report</title></head>
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=&quot;Yes&quot;>
<CFFILE ACTION=&quot;Read&quot; file=&quot;d:\inetpub\[URL unfurl="true"]wwwroot\Transportation\schoolfund.rtf&quot;[/URL] variable=&quot;rtf&quot;>
<CFSET DateDepartFormat = DateFormat(select.DateDepart, &quot;mm/dd/yy&quot;)>
<CFSET ActualCost = dollarformat(select.ActualAmount)>
<CFSET Estimate = dollarformat(select.EstCost)>
<CFSET sumActual = dollarformat(sumactualcost.ATotal)>
<CFSET sumEstimate = dollarformat(sumestimate.ETotal)>
<CFSET RTF = Replace(RTF, &quot;%TripID%&quot;, select.TripID)>
<CFSET RTF = Replace(RTF, &quot;%Destination%&quot;, select.Destination)>
<CFSET RTF = Replace(RTF, &quot;%ActualCost%&quot;, ActualCost)>
<CFSET RTF = Replace(RTF, &quot;%EstimateCost%&quot;, Estimate)>
<CFSET RTF = Replace(RTF, &quot;%naturesel%&quot;, select.naturesel)>
<CFSET RTF = Replace(RTF, &quot;%Nature%&quot;, select.Nature)>
<CFSET RTF = Replace(RTF, &quot;%ETotal%&quot;, SumEstimate)>
<CFSET RTF = Replace(RTF, &quot;%ATotal%&quot;, SumActual)>
<cfcontent type=&quot;application/msword&quot;>
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