I am working on an application that interfaces with Word Perfect. Data is gathered from a form and the following code is executed: <br>
Set o = CreateObject("Wordperfect.Perfectscript",1,1<br>
o.fileinsert (CurDir() + "\docs\memo.wpd",1,1<br>
I am unclear as to what filenew and fileinsert represent. I searched the code to see if these were procedures or functions and did not find any existance of the code except for these statements.<br>
These statements appear after the above code:<br>
o.Type (lcmemcoord)<br>
I believe this is where the Access variables are plugged into the WP bookmarks. I am unclear on the Bookmarkfind and Type commands.<br>
I reviewed a sample of an Access to Word interface and it references methods specific to Word. Is the above code the same situation as Access to Word?<br>
Any information would be very much appreciated.
Set o = CreateObject("Wordperfect.Perfectscript",1,1<br>
o.fileinsert (CurDir() + "\docs\memo.wpd",1,1<br>
I am unclear as to what filenew and fileinsert represent. I searched the code to see if these were procedures or functions and did not find any existance of the code except for these statements.<br>
These statements appear after the above code:<br>
o.Type (lcmemcoord)<br>
I believe this is where the Access variables are plugged into the WP bookmarks. I am unclear on the Bookmarkfind and Type commands.<br>
I reviewed a sample of an Access to Word interface and it references methods specific to Word. Is the above code the same situation as Access to Word?<br>
Any information would be very much appreciated.