There are merge field operators available in word 2003. ONe that I use with some frequency is the If...then...else. I need to somehow create an if...than...else that runs of a date. I have created the following:
{IF{MERGEFIELD CnMem_1_01_Cur_Expires_On} <= "datevalue(5/19/2008)" "" "Membership expiration date"}
Basically, I need to compare the two dates, which are actually text fields and return either a null value or a a text value depending. Is there a way to do this with the if...than...else structure?
{IF{MERGEFIELD CnMem_1_01_Cur_Expires_On} <= "datevalue(5/19/2008)" "" "Membership expiration date"}
Basically, I need to compare the two dates, which are actually text fields and return either a null value or a a text value depending. Is there a way to do this with the if...than...else structure?