Word 2010 Directory mail merge.
Excel 2010 table.
Can anyone help with this? I'll be glad to pay an agreed fee.
I haven't figured out how to configure the merge Form to:
(1) create separate tables for each day of the week, beginning each one on a new page.
(2) only insert the Start field in Column1 when it is the 1st instance of that particular Start time, yet merge the rest of the fields for that record.
Excel table is sorted by: Start then Course_Number.
Merge Form is formatted as a Table with these field placements:
NOTE: Column1 should contain only the first instance of a particular Start time. Column6 contains two fields with a dash inbetween.
The first 3 columns of the output should be like:
Excel 2010 table.
Can anyone help with this? I'll be glad to pay an agreed fee.
I haven't figured out how to configure the merge Form to:
(1) create separate tables for each day of the week, beginning each one on a new page.
(2) only insert the Start field in Column1 when it is the 1st instance of that particular Start time, yet merge the rest of the fields for that record.
[b]Field Names[/b] [b]Type of Field[/b]
Course_Number Text
Course_Title Text
Days Text
Start Time (00:00 AM)
End Time (00:00 AM)
Room Text
Campus Text
Professor Text
Merge Form is formatted as a Table with these field placements:
[b]Start Course_Number Course_Title Professor Days Start-End Room[/b]
The first 3 columns of the output should be like:
[b]Start Course_Number Course_Title[/b]
9:00 AM ENSC2123.001 Elementary Dynamics
MAE 3403.001 Comp Meth in Anls Des
MAE 4333.001 Mechanical Metallurgy
MAE 5033.001 Adv Biomedical Engr
MAE 5473.001 Digital Control Sys
10:30 AM ENSC3313.001 Materials Science
MAE 3113.001 Meas & Instrumentation
MAE 5513.001 Stochastic Systems
MAE 5513.801 Stochastic Systems
MAE 5563.001 Finite Element Methods
12:30 PM MAE 3723.001 Systems I
MAE 5693.001 Phase Transformation
MAE 5703.001 Optimization Appl