Is there a function to perform a word count, or count the occurences of string w/i a field? I really thought it was simple, but after an hour with the documentation and searching here. I'm stumped :-(
mysql> select fullname from myusers where usename='test';
| fullname |
| mary had a little lamb |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select 1+(fullname REGEXP " ") as wordcount from myusers where usename='test';
| wordcount |
| 2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
There's no present like the time, they say. - Henry's Cat.
Drat, your correct, that just parses the string, i made it more complex to include newlines and tabs but the result was no better. I'm not very good with REGEXP. Thanks for finding the hole.
1+(textvalue REGEXP "[.,:;?! \t\n]+") as wordcount
Is no better ;-(
I'll browse some regexsites and see what I can find.
To count the number of spaces, which is (possibly) the word count minus 1:[tt]
LENGTH(textfld)-LENGTH(REPLACE(textfld,' ',''))
To count occurrences of any string:[tt]
SELECT LENGTH(textfld)-LENGTH(REPLACE(textfld,'apple','****'))
Or, for flexibility:[tt]
SET @s:='apple';
um, i think the OP wants the number of certain words appearing in a string... like:
[tt]"data is stored in a data base even though i think data base is one word: database."[/tt]
should yield [tt]3[/tt] when doing a word count for "[tt]data[/tt]".
---------------------------- [tt]I already made like infinity of those at scout camp...[/tt]
beware of active imagination: [URL unfurl="true"][/url]
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