I have a Word 2013 document and I would like to show in the Styles panel just the styles I have chosen to use; most are selected from the standard selection which is provided with Word, and a couple of my own.
However I find that with at least one (Heading 1) I cannot remove it from the styles panel. To try to resolve this I have started with a blank document (File|New Featured|Blank document).
Then click on the ‘Options’ button at the RH foot of the style panel, click on Styles to show : Recommended.
At this stage a large number of the standard styles is shown. Then click on the ‘Manage Styles’ icon, go to the ‘Recommended’ tab, select all the styles in the list box and click on ‘Hide until used’. ( would normally allow at least the ‘Normal’ style!)
When I close that window the styles panel mainly shows only the ‘Clear all’ button, but it also shows ‘Heading 1’.
I go into ‘Manage Styles’ again, and on the ‘Edit’ Tab, see that Heading 1 is black, while most of the other styles are grey’ it is however marked as ‘Hide until used’.
I must have done something wrong! How can I remove this from the Styles panel. I would mention that I have other documents where I also cannot remove styles from the styles panel, even though they are marked as ‘Hide until used’.
( I see that I did post another question on styles in 2015, but I don’t believe this covered the present query)
However I find that with at least one (Heading 1) I cannot remove it from the styles panel. To try to resolve this I have started with a blank document (File|New Featured|Blank document).
Then click on the ‘Options’ button at the RH foot of the style panel, click on Styles to show : Recommended.
At this stage a large number of the standard styles is shown. Then click on the ‘Manage Styles’ icon, go to the ‘Recommended’ tab, select all the styles in the list box and click on ‘Hide until used’. ( would normally allow at least the ‘Normal’ style!)
When I close that window the styles panel mainly shows only the ‘Clear all’ button, but it also shows ‘Heading 1’.
I go into ‘Manage Styles’ again, and on the ‘Edit’ Tab, see that Heading 1 is black, while most of the other styles are grey’ it is however marked as ‘Hide until used’.
I must have done something wrong! How can I remove this from the Styles panel. I would mention that I have other documents where I also cannot remove styles from the styles panel, even though they are marked as ‘Hide until used’.
( I see that I did post another question on styles in 2015, but I don’t believe this covered the present query)