I have a win2000 PC, SP4, Freehand, Phtotshop and Pagemaker amongst other programs.
I have installed Adobe Acrobat 5. But even though Distiller is present in the Printers folder, when I try to create a PDF in, for example, Word; Word seems to go through the process, even asks you where you want the PDF stored, but then hangs. I have deleted all the others printers and reinstalled Acrobat and Office but still nothing, any ideas?
I have a win2000 PC, SP4, Freehand, Phtotshop and Pagemaker amongst other programs.
I have installed Adobe Acrobat 5. But even though Distiller is present in the Printers folder, when I try to create a PDF in, for example, Word; Word seems to go through the process, even asks you where you want the PDF stored, but then hangs. I have deleted all the others printers and reinstalled Acrobat and Office but still nothing, any ideas?