Hi All,
We have from time to time some difficulties to connect to a livelink server (9.5) using LAPI "AccessEnterpriseWS", the system is up and running but yet unresponsive: the client part of the application just hang and after a while - something like 10 minutes - we get a java exception.
The web interface is ok, the database as well, it is only the LAPI part that is not accepting inputs.
Have you ever experienced such behavior where after a while wokring fine the system becomes unreachable ?
In this case we just have restart the admin server, but any advice will be appreciated,
Thanks in advance,
Exception in thread "main" com.opentext.api.LLIOException: Could not read router packet from socket
at com.opentext.api.LLConnectRouter.receiveOpenResponse(Unknown Source)
at com.opentext.api.LLConnect.executeTraditional(Unknown Source)
at com.opentext.api.LLConnect.execute(Unknown Source)
at com.opentext.api.LAPI_DOCUMENTS.AccessEnterpriseWS(LAPI_DOCUMENTS.java:35)
at show.main(show.java:253)
We have from time to time some difficulties to connect to a livelink server (9.5) using LAPI "AccessEnterpriseWS", the system is up and running but yet unresponsive: the client part of the application just hang and after a while - something like 10 minutes - we get a java exception.
The web interface is ok, the database as well, it is only the LAPI part that is not accepting inputs.
Have you ever experienced such behavior where after a while wokring fine the system becomes unreachable ?
In this case we just have restart the admin server, but any advice will be appreciated,
Thanks in advance,
Exception in thread "main" com.opentext.api.LLIOException: Could not read router packet from socket
at com.opentext.api.LLConnectRouter.receiveOpenResponse(Unknown Source)
at com.opentext.api.LLConnect.executeTraditional(Unknown Source)
at com.opentext.api.LLConnect.execute(Unknown Source)
at com.opentext.api.LAPI_DOCUMENTS.AccessEnterpriseWS(LAPI_DOCUMENTS.java:35)
at show.main(show.java:253)