I'm running BE 8.5 Rev 3571 and W2K... When the job executes, the servers are backed up correctly... However, when the last directory is completed and the job SHOULD begin the verify, it just hangs there... When I come in the next morning, the job is still listed as active, but the elapsed time indicator is not incrementing. When I click on the job name to check the log, the job just disappears from the 'Scheduled, Active & Completed Jobs List'. I have to go to the directory and look at the logs with Notepad. All seems well except that it won't begin the verify. No error messages... If you try to schedule the job without a verify, it still hangs after the backup, still listed as active... Oh yeah... Once the job disappears from the SAC list, it won't automatically reschedule and I have to re-submit it every day.
Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!