hi everyone,
is it possible to set up a wireless home net work without internet connection sharing and modems? just connecting a few pc's together where one pc is the tramsmitter and the rest will detect the access point via wirelss adapter (mostly laptops).
i live in a farm. my closest neighbor is 1500 meters away. my question is how do i set this up. i have a desktop and a laptop. the laptop has a wirless pcmcia card and works with wireless networks. how do i set this up with the desktop. i have a wirless pci adapter for the desktop that would plug in one of the slots. if i install this, would the two pc's be able to communicate with each other? any ideas? how to's?
i got it going. all it needs, is 2 wireless cards. one for the host (desktop) and one for the client (laptop). you disable accesspoint and any other wireless networks, and specify that this wirless network is a computer-to-computer or ad hoc network. and it works just like the two were connected with a cross-over cable. internet connection can also be shared with this method.
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