Hi all. Have been tearing my hair out for 3 months on this one! I have a Netgear MR314 router network with two pc’s (1 Windows ME, 1 Windows XP Pro) connected by cable and a laptop (Windows XP Home) by wireless. All have a printer connected; all 3 are members of same workgroup; No firewalls in use; all 3 ping all others; all 3 access the internet both ways. Laptop can access resources on both pc’s. pc’s can access resources on each other. My problem is when I try to access resources on the laptop from the pc with ME I am told: “You must supply a password to make this connection: Resource: \\LAPTOP\IPC$”. From the other pc I am told: "\\Laptop is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource”. Laptop is the name of my laptop. Can anyone help?