I have some IBM SSA Drive enclosures that we are getting rid of but I need to wipe the drives before we un-install the hard ware. I found a command line at ibm THAT should wipe the drives but I just can't seem to get the command to work. The IBM command line is as follows:
diag -c -d <devicename> -T -s erase -a wite -P <comma sepreated list of patterns>
everytime I key in the command I get the > less than sign instead of the # prompt sign, and then nothing happens.
ANy ideads as to what I am doing wrong?
appreciate any help.
diag -c -d <devicename> -T -s erase -a wite -P <comma sepreated list of patterns>
everytime I key in the command I get the > less than sign instead of the # prompt sign, and then nothing happens.
ANy ideads as to what I am doing wrong?
appreciate any help.