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WinXP LAN went mad, and me too

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Feb 16, 2001
Hi everyone.

Two months ago I had set up a 100mbps LAN between my desktop and a notebook, both with Windows XP Professional installed. At first it worked like a dream: I was able to configure the whole thing in half an hour.

Desktop: IP, subnet
Notebook: IP, subnet, Gateway, DNS

I was even able to set up Internet Connection Sharing on the XP host and it worked perfectly.

Now, yesterday, with ABSOLUTLY NO REASON (but there must be, of course), my home network stopped working ALMOST completely. With "almost" I mean I still can ping one computer from the other using the IP address. This means cables and NIC cards are not damaged, right?
However, the gateway icon on the ICS guest has disappeared, and if I go browse Network Neighborhood for computers in the same workgroup I see only the localhost, not the other one. If I try to directly access it with the path \\computername it tells me it is not a valid network path. The Network Heighborhood icon itself even disappears sometimes!

I have tried everything: checked PCs have different names, checked they are in the same workgroup, tried with/without DNS suffix, tried disabling ICS, forcing NetBIOS enabled, removing TCP/IP and Client for Microsoft networks and then reinstalling everything, even tried removing and completely reinstalling the NIC cards, with the only effect of Windows "remembering" of them and each time adding an increasing #2, #3, #4 number after the name.

Guys, this is a big challenge! I have already gone mad, so any help will be MUCH appreciated!!!
Thanks in advance.
This may help, it may not...
I recently had this problem with a couple windows ME's machines.. All I did was uninstall/reinstall all network software (tcp/ip,MS client for windows,adapters.. bla bla bla) and then made sure both machines were using Client for Microsoft Windows as the log on type and that they were joining the same workgroup! The whole time I had the problem the one machine was not logging on to the network, just locally, and i thought it was!! ha ha Anyway, thats what would try if you havn't already!
Good luck
Snooter Knowing everything about pc's would be like knowing everything about women! Why do they do the things they do???
Would the use of System Restore fix this type of problem?
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