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Winsock - working in .exe and not in .dll 2

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Aug 24, 2000

I have a winsock control (VB6 SP5) that I'm using to connect to a server with the following lines of code:

with frmWin
.Winsock1.RemoteHost = strServer
.Winsock1.RemotePort = Val(strPort)

If .Winsock1.State = 7 Then
' more code here...
return strMessage
return .Winsock1.state
End If
end with

This works great in a standalone .exe (run from my desktop), but when I put it in a .dll and call it from another .exe, or from an .asp page the state is no longer 7 ("Connected to host") but 4 ("Looking up host server")

Any ideas why I'm getting this error and how to resolve it?

Well, the connection problem is resolved:

.Winsock1.RemoteHost = strServer
.Winsock1.RemotePort = Val(strPort)
Do Until .Winsock1.State = 7 Or .Winsock1.State = 9 ' 9 for sckError

This took care of it.

Now I'm having problems with where to put the code that was in Winsock1_DataArrival. The Winsock control is on a separate form, and is referenced by frmWin.Winsock1 Would I put the code for the Winsock_DataArrival method in that form, and access the variable with the result in the class module?

You should be able to declare a private member in the class

Private WithEvents objSock As Winsock

Then in Class_Initialize

Set objSock = frmWin.Winsock1

After that you can put all the Winsock procedures in the class module and reference the private member. In Class_Terminate:

Set objSock = Nothing

Paul Bent
Northwind IT Systems
Just to clarify further about the DataArrival Event. You have an ActiveX dll with a class module and a form containing the Winsock conttol.

You would still put the Winsock1_DataArrival code in the form module but it can set form level variables which can be accessed from the class module.

In the form code you might have something like:
Const MAX_DATA = 1000
Private strFBuffer As String * MAX_DATA
Public strVBuffer As String
Public blnDataReady As Boolean

Private Sub Form_Load()
 blnDataReady = False
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)

 If bytesTotal > MAX_DATA Then
  'handle error and exit
 Winsock1.GetData strFBuffer, vbString
 If Not blnDataReady Then
  strVBuffer = vbNullString
 End If
 strVBuffer = Mid$(strFBuffer, 1, bytesTotal)
 blnDataReady = True

End Sub
Then in the class module you might have something like:
Private msngTimeout As Single  'set it to 60 secs (say) in Initialize

Private Function fWaitFor(strTarget As String) As Boolean
 Dim sngEnd As Single

 sngEnd = Timer + msngTimeout
 Do Until frmWin.DataReady
  If Timer > sngEnd Then
   'handle timeout error and exit
  End If
 fWaitFor = (strTarget = Left$(frmWin.strVBuffer, Len(strTarget)))
 frmWin.blnDataReady = False

End Function
I hope that clarifies things. Winsock methods like Logon can be public class members and reference the private objSock object I described in my previous post.

Paul Bent
Northwind IT Systems
Thanks so much Paul!

That took care of things; really really helpful post!

Have a good one,
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