i am using WinSock 2 API & have confusion about port numbers.
Firstly can more than one socket be bind to a single port for listening ?
I have a server & client both using the same port for communication.
The server listens successfully on the specified port, but on accept()/WSAAccept() I create a new socket(say clientsoc) which is returned by accept. Now this socket has a different
port number i.e clietsoc.sin_port is not what i specified either to my client & server.
Yes i have triend using the range 1024-49151 port nmubers, in fact beyond 50050 mostly.
Thanks a lot.
i am using WinSock 2 API & have confusion about port numbers.
Firstly can more than one socket be bind to a single port for listening ?
I have a server & client both using the same port for communication.
The server listens successfully on the specified port, but on accept()/WSAAccept() I create a new socket(say clientsoc) which is returned by accept. Now this socket has a different
port number i.e clietsoc.sin_port is not what i specified either to my client & server.
Yes i have triend using the range 1024-49151 port nmubers, in fact beyond 50050 mostly.
Thanks a lot.