I am migrating an Access 2.2 database to Access 2000. I know there are some differences in api's between the two, I just don't have a good source to find out what those differences are. My problem is simple, I keep getting a run-time error of "6", Overflow. have the pointer types changed? These are the lines of code in question:
Dim lnx As Long
lnx = WinHelp(Screen.ActiveForm.hWnd, aHelpFile, GNHELP_CONTEXT, ByVal aContext)
I have change lnx to be a long, rather than an integer. Otherwise this is still the original code.
Dim lnx As Long
lnx = WinHelp(Screen.ActiveForm.hWnd, aHelpFile, GNHELP_CONTEXT, ByVal aContext)
I have change lnx to be a long, rather than an integer. Otherwise this is still the original code.