I need to send faxes from an application and have been testing the SDK with Winfax 10.0 on NT 4.0 sp6a VB 6.0. My problem is that when I add a coverpage the coverpage filler pops up and stops execution. Does anyone have a solution for this?
Here is the test code I am using.
Option Explicit
Public Sub main()
Dim wfxSend As New wfxctl32.CSDKSend
Dim wfxLog As New wfxctl32.CSDKLog
Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim tso As TextStream
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strDir As String
Dim lRet As Integer
Dim rptCover As rptcoverpage
strDir = "p:\fax\"
wfxSend.SetClientID ("WFX Automate"
' set up infinite loop.
' While True
lRet = wfxSend.SetAreaCode("111"
lRet = wfxSend.SetNumber("5555555"
lRet = wfxSend.SetTo("Gary"
lRet = wfxSend.SetSubject("Combo Best "
lRet = wfxSend.SetCompany("High, Inc."
lRet = wfxSend.SetCoverFile ("C:\ProgramFiles\Symantec\WinFax\Cover\automated.cvp"
lRet = wfxSend.AddRecipient()
lRet = wfxSend.SetPreviewFax(0)
'lRet = wfxSend.SetQuickCover(0)
lRet = wfxSend.SetUseCover(1)
lRet = wfxSend.SetCoverText("TEST"
lRet = wfxSend.AddAttachmentFile("c:\books\COMBOBoBFax.pdf"
lRet = wfxSend.ShowCallProgess(1)
lRet = wfxSend.Send(1)
' Wend
End Sub
Here is the test code I am using.
Option Explicit
Public Sub main()
Dim wfxSend As New wfxctl32.CSDKSend
Dim wfxLog As New wfxctl32.CSDKLog
Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim tso As TextStream
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strDir As String
Dim lRet As Integer
Dim rptCover As rptcoverpage
strDir = "p:\fax\"
wfxSend.SetClientID ("WFX Automate"
' set up infinite loop.
' While True
lRet = wfxSend.SetAreaCode("111"
lRet = wfxSend.SetNumber("5555555"
lRet = wfxSend.SetTo("Gary"
lRet = wfxSend.SetSubject("Combo Best "
lRet = wfxSend.SetCompany("High, Inc."
lRet = wfxSend.SetCoverFile ("C:\ProgramFiles\Symantec\WinFax\Cover\automated.cvp"
lRet = wfxSend.AddRecipient()
lRet = wfxSend.SetPreviewFax(0)
'lRet = wfxSend.SetQuickCover(0)
lRet = wfxSend.SetUseCover(1)
lRet = wfxSend.SetCoverText("TEST"
lRet = wfxSend.AddAttachmentFile("c:\books\COMBOBoBFax.pdf"
lRet = wfxSend.ShowCallProgess(1)
lRet = wfxSend.Send(1)
' Wend
End Sub