I'm generating a crystal report on windows. The data file is a csv file that reside's on UNIX so i use a ODBC connection to pull the data in. When I then save the report to the UNIX enterprise to preview the report it shows the basic template but no data.
In the odbc.ini file i've defined the csv location under the CRText header and also created a QETXT.INI with field headers and data types in the same location as the csv.
Has any seen this before or got any ideas?
Any help would be much appreciated.
I'm generating a crystal report on windows. The data file is a csv file that reside's on UNIX so i use a ODBC connection to pull the data in. When I then save the report to the UNIX enterprise to preview the report it shows the basic template but no data.
In the odbc.ini file i've defined the csv location under the CRText header and also created a QETXT.INI with field headers and data types in the same location as the csv.
Has any seen this before or got any ideas?
Any help would be much appreciated.