I'm using WIn NT/200/2003 server and sharing some info with Mac OS X Machines. I have a Powerbook G4 that uses those network shared drives. After being idle for more than half an houror so, the network coonection is being disconnected/dismounted/disappeared.
I know there is no setting for time out for that user in Win server.
Any idea how to fix this( I have tried using both Wireless and ethernet connection with fixed IP addresses, it doesn't makea diiference)
I'm using WIn NT/200/2003 server and sharing some info with Mac OS X Machines. I have a Powerbook G4 that uses those network shared drives. After being idle for more than half an houror so, the network coonection is being disconnected/dismounted/disappeared.
I know there is no setting for time out for that user in Win server.
Any idea how to fix this( I have tried using both Wireless and ethernet connection with fixed IP addresses, it doesn't makea diiference)