This morning, my wife's machine, which she uses daily, came up with the message similar to The hardware on this machine has changed significantly, you need to reregister within 3 days.
It sits under a pile of paper and hasn't had any hardware changes for years. I can't think what could possibly have caused that - the network, disks and memory are the same as they were when we first got the machine. Nothing has changed.
The only thing I can think of is the USB scanner which we share between machines. Surely adding and removing USB devices isn't considered significant or is it?
It sits under a pile of paper and hasn't had any hardware changes for years. I can't think what could possibly have caused that - the network, disks and memory are the same as they were when we first got the machine. Nothing has changed.
The only thing I can think of is the USB scanner which we share between machines. Surely adding and removing USB devices isn't considered significant or is it?