Hi All,
I am trying to figure out how to use Windows Media Encoder in a BCB application. I have some VBS code that does what I need, but I want to do it in C++. Here is a snipit of the VBS code:
I am trying to figure out how to use Windows Media Encoder in a BCB application. I have some VBS code that does what I need, but I want to do it in C++. Here is a snipit of the VBS code:
' Create Encoder Object
Dim encoder
Set encoder = WScript.CreateObject("WMEncEng.WMEncoder")
'Create Source Object
Dim srcgrpcoll
Dim srcgrp
Set srcgrpcoll = encoder.SourceGroupCollection
Set srcgrp = srcgrpcoll.Add("SG_1")
' Add sources to source groups
Dim vidsrc
Dim audsrc
Set vidsrc = srcgrp.AddSource(2)
Set audsrc = srcgrp.AddSource(1)
I have no idea where to start... as my C++ is not as good as it should be, and I don't know any VBS at all! I guess the first part creates a new object? I'm lost.
If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it :-)