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Windows/Linux file sharing problem..HELP! HELP!

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Technical User
Jun 6, 2001
Hello everyone, can you please save me from the misery by helping me out with my latest problem. It seemed to be ok now to take files from the Linux box to Windows (sharing files from Linux to Windows is OK!). Now, the problem lies with the fact that I cannot copy files from Windows to Linux. Can anyone help? Furthermore, the Linux machine cannot access Windows2000 machines from using smbclient on the Terminal Emulation Program (the black command platform). HELP! Thanks and bless you all!

Tedson99 :p
any latest scoop on my problems, all your friendly people out there??

Tedson99 :p
At one point you were able to transfer files from windows to linux via a samba share, but now you can't? And you also can't access win2k shares via smbclient from linux?

Did anything change on the 2k server? Is netbeui installed? Did you change anything else in the network (e.g. change from hubs to switches, etc.)?
Hello GoldenEternity,

Actually it is not the case. It is that I can only take files FROM LINUX to Windows with no problems...but I CANNOT transfer WINDOWS files to LINUX is my problem...furthermore I have trouble accessing ANY WINDOWS machine via the Linux terminal using smbclient...I only can see what the Windows machine have using smbclient -L mode...and for Win2k, I cannot see anything..period!! :(

Anything I need to do to make Windows machine recognize my login through terminal? Also any clue as to how I can transfer Windows files to Linux machine through Windows environment....?? Thanks!!

When you're having problems transferring files, are you logged in to the linux server accessing a windows share? Or are you logged in to windows accessing a linux samba server?
Thanks again...GoldenEternity for the question. Actually I have problems with both...I cannot log in from Linux server to Windows at all...just only when I use smbclient -L that I was able to see what each Windows machines have for sharing...when I actually log into them, then ACESS DENIED is always there...Win2k is out of the question as I cannot even see what it has to share!!

Second, when I am in a Windows machine and wanted to grab some files from this machine to the Linux server, it will tell me "Cannot copy:(whatever)...Access Denied"

The things that work however is...when I take files in a Windows machine from Linux share, I can take them and copy to the Windows machine fine...even for Win2k

So, that's my situation...very depressing!! :(

Thanks for now and I hope you have a solution for me...many many thanks!!

When you're trying to copy files to the linux system, check out what account you're signed in as on the samba server and the permissions on the directory. Also make sure the samba share is specified as readable.

Can you access windows shares from other windows boxes?
Thanks GoldenEternity, actually I am always signed in as root on the Linux box when I am trying all this stuff and surely I have all permission. At least for now, I wanted to make root functional before moving on and set up users to restrict certain access. And YES, the samba shares are specified as readable. It is just that when I use smbclient to access (I set up a new user ROOT in Windows box as well by log out and log in typing in NEW USERNAME) under root, it ask me for password and so I type it in...then ACCESS DENIED message came.

Well, my Linux machine is under a network of Windows boxes and servers, I am just a testing Linux server right now to try its various capabilities.

A Windows box can certainly access other Windows shares from other Window boxes. Just that under Windows environment (via Network Neighbourhood), I cannot copy files from the Windows box to Linux box (drag and drop OR copy and paste)!!

I can see Windows shares from using smbclient -L command BUT not Win2k box. When I finally wanted to access a particular folder of Windows shares, I get the ACCESS DENIED message I mentioned earlier. I am pretty sure I named the new user via Windows just like it in the Linux box (as root for both and password same). Thanks!!


Wow, I zoned... I meant to say make sure the samba share is specified as WRITEable... ::smacks self::

Apparently, I also wasn't clear about what I meant when I said "signed in as on the samba server". When you log into a samba share (e.g., access it through network neighborhood), it associates your actions with an account on the server. Generally the guest account associates with user nobody. So if user nobody can't write to that directory, you won't be able to transfer the file.

If the other windows systems can access your windows shares, that suggests the problem isn't on the windows side... just narrowing down the issue. Are there usernames/passwords associated with your windows shares?
Hello again GoldenEternity, thanks for your quick response here too!! You are my dedicated supporter you see... :)

Actually I think I am on the right track now. I actually tried to add my username/password into the Windows file server and I think it finally worked. I tried to use Samba to connect to a Windows box and I seemed to finally able to access them. But HOWEVER, I still have problems with copying files from Windows box back to Linux box from the Windows environment. What can you suggest at this point? Something I missed with the smb.conf?


Did you check to see if the samba share is set writeable in smb.conf? If not, that could be a problem.

Also, as a test, log in to the linux server and set the directory you're accessing through samba as a+w. Then try transferring files.
Hello GoldenEternity,

Nice to hear from you...yeah actually I will give it another shot and make sure writable is YES on the share. What about if it is so because I am pretty sure it is !!

And now, what do you mean by setting the directory I'm accessing through samba as "a+w"????

When you try to copy a file from windows to linux via samba, what directory on the linux server would that file go in? Set that directory a+w ('chmod a+w').

This will tell you if it's a user permission problem. Its generally a bad idea to leave directories (or anything, for that matter) world writeable... But for a quick test, it should be all right.
Hello GoldenEternity, actually chmod in Linux I am running (RedHat) doesn't seemed to have those a+w parameters...can you suggest me further what I can add on in the smb.conf file for full access??

As I said earlier, I have already set my share folders to be readable,writable,browable, etc!! Full access but I still cannot achieve write capability!! I am also installing Pervasive.SQL 2000 Server now...and I need the client machine (Windows/Linux) to be able to write to the Linux box!! Please help!!


seems you are an good linux user.

Read the SMB-HOWTO

And try to ftp windows from linux or vice versa and transfere your files.

good luck.
Thank you for your response, DarkGuest...actually I have been reading on the smbHOWTO and other stuff like you said and still cannot figure out how come I still cannot copy files from a Windows machine to Linux server...it is really getting on my nerves and it is so tiring!! Please help, anyone!! :(

RedHat has a+w. If your directory is sambadir, you just 'chmod a+w sambadir' as root, or as the directory owner.
Hello GoldenEternity,

The problem was solve this morning when I use chmod to change all the permission...it was a stupid thing I didn't do...and now it all works!! Thanks for all your help..you are the best!!


Just now I have a Tomcat problem!!
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