Hi everyone,
I am a newbee in C# and I really need help.
have to do a credit card application. I have a abstract class Account which is inherited by
a RegularAccount, SilverAccount... etc, and its methods are overriden by coresponding methods in the child classes, the new objects are created by clicking a AddAccount button.
By clicking a button AddAccount on the mainForm a new form is oppened (which has combo box, and FName and LName text boxes)and then by clicking a button on the opened form an instance of Account is created( can be Regular, Silver...)...I want to be able to click another button on the mainForm(besides AddAccount) which opens a new form which displays account information(balance, payments..etc).
How can I pass the attributes of the newly created object( Account myAccount = new RegularAccount) to this form( the one that displays the account info).
TY , I really apreaciate your help.
I am a newbee in C# and I really need help.
have to do a credit card application. I have a abstract class Account which is inherited by
a RegularAccount, SilverAccount... etc, and its methods are overriden by coresponding methods in the child classes, the new objects are created by clicking a AddAccount button.
By clicking a button AddAccount on the mainForm a new form is oppened (which has combo box, and FName and LName text boxes)and then by clicking a button on the opened form an instance of Account is created( can be Regular, Silver...)...I want to be able to click another button on the mainForm(besides AddAccount) which opens a new form which displays account information(balance, payments..etc).
How can I pass the attributes of the newly created object( Account myAccount = new RegularAccount) to this form( the one that displays the account info).
TY , I really apreaciate your help.