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Windows 95 100 user limit?

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Sep 12, 2002
Howdy all,
I run a small P2P server from my pc. I recently switched over the burden to a slower computer that runs under windows 95. I had about 1500 users all the time and never found the Maximum # of users on my windows ME machine, but with the 95 computer I reach 100 users and am unable to have anymore. I have the winsock2 update installed, and have performed a tweak in the regedit, in the mstcp folder setting the max users to 25000. I have elimated the server software I use. Did I perform the tweak right? Does windows 95 not allow more then 100 user sockets? Any help would be great..

Dumpster(server owner)
Somethings come to mind when I read your post. First of all 1500 users on a peer to peer is WAY too many. If your company can afford it I would definately consider upgrading to NT server or some equivelant. Also, to answer your question Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition (Me) limits the number of file handles opened from other machines in a networked environment to 1,024. Many machines can connect to files shared by a specific Windows 95 machine, but the total number of files open remotely on that machine at any one time is limited to 1,024. This does not guarantee that 1,024 can be opened on every machine, as memory constraints and other limitations can lower the number of available open files. This upper limit is by design. Consider reducing your open file needs by moving some of the shared files to other machines or upgrade the "server" machine. http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:zYjP25pzWfQC:www.jwccpa.com/images/underdog
If you can't afford a new operating system then I wouldn't do this unless necessary I would download morphious and download windows 2000 but keep in mind it is pirated software making it illegal DavidDude00@Daw Corp, 1999-2002
ummmm.....great advice since microsoft is coming down on companies BIG TIME for not buying proper licensing. Maybe as a home user this is a good solution if you don't care about the law. Otherwise as a business I don't suggest you take Davids advice as you can get fined per seat=1500 users. At even $250 fine per seat (which I think its higher then that) your company would be looking at a 375 thousand dollar fine. I'm sure they wouldn't want to keep you around after having to pay that.
Well said Brad...

Let's try and keep pirating out of the forum. We all know it exists, and many of us know how to find it, but there's no need to promote it here! [thumbsup2]

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