Using "Sept" from seven - septem.
Presept - Usually people with questions like "Will my PC run Windows 7?" or "Will XPMode play my favourite game and fax from my scanner without crashing like it usually does?
Acseptable - things and features in 7 that are good, easy and useful
Unacseptable - things and features we love and expect from previous versions of Windows which are now unavailable or difficult to achieve.
Septate - people who love 7 so much they can't wait for the next version
Septique - new, unique features
Septic - new features that are a pain, and require excision
Septic shock syndrome - The realisation that you will need to spend much more money upgrading to the edition of windows 7 that promises to support what you need to do, that you could do easily before you switched from XP
Antiseptics - those who will have to have XP/2K pried from their cold dead IDE disks before moving to 7
Aseptic - those people who can comfortably surf the net without antivirus, antimalware, who don't have to restart their machine every time an update from the internet installs on their system, and don't have a recycle bin, homegroup or workgroup on their network that has an uptime of over 250 days and counting.
Septum - a barrier you reach when you don't know how to do it in 7
Septagon - features that were present, you think, but now seem to have disappeared (since SP1?)
Deseptive - the Vista features that creep into your 7 system over time
Septimus - a mouse designed for Windows 7 - with 7 buttons, three of which enhance the ease of access features!
Intersept - another term for that bit of the UAC, the process that warns you that you need to do this action as an administrator, then gives you an OK button to press.
SystemSeptup - the process you need to go through in order to get your chosen browser to work again
CleanSeptup - the only way to recover after a failed SP1 installation
September - the glow of a burnt-out windows 7 machine
Presept - Usually people with questions like "Will my PC run Windows 7?" or "Will XPMode play my favourite game and fax from my scanner without crashing like it usually does?
Acseptable - things and features in 7 that are good, easy and useful
Unacseptable - things and features we love and expect from previous versions of Windows which are now unavailable or difficult to achieve.
Septate - people who love 7 so much they can't wait for the next version
Septique - new, unique features
Septic - new features that are a pain, and require excision
Septic shock syndrome - The realisation that you will need to spend much more money upgrading to the edition of windows 7 that promises to support what you need to do, that you could do easily before you switched from XP
Antiseptics - those who will have to have XP/2K pried from their cold dead IDE disks before moving to 7
Aseptic - those people who can comfortably surf the net without antivirus, antimalware, who don't have to restart their machine every time an update from the internet installs on their system, and don't have a recycle bin, homegroup or workgroup on their network that has an uptime of over 250 days and counting.
Septum - a barrier you reach when you don't know how to do it in 7
Septagon - features that were present, you think, but now seem to have disappeared (since SP1?)
Deseptive - the Vista features that creep into your 7 system over time
Septimus - a mouse designed for Windows 7 - with 7 buttons, three of which enhance the ease of access features!
Intersept - another term for that bit of the UAC, the process that warns you that you need to do this action as an administrator, then gives you an OK button to press.
SystemSeptup - the process you need to go through in order to get your chosen browser to work again
CleanSeptup - the only way to recover after a failed SP1 installation
September - the glow of a burnt-out windows 7 machine