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windows 2k cant load -system file corrupted

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Dec 23, 2003
My windows 2k professional could not load into windows and the error msg was windows cant load becasue c:\winnt\system32\config\system is corrupted and I should use the recovery console to repair
I put the 2k cd into the computer and chose repair option to use the recovery console but I dont know how to copy that corrupted file to the root of c if that is precisely the required procedure to resolve this issue.
Can someone help
may be of use.

I'd certainly run chkdsk /r from recovery console as first step. If this doesn't fix the problem, there's a copy of the file c:\winnt\system32\config\system in the same folder, called c:\winnt\system32\config\system.alt. From recovery console you can rename the 'system' file to say system.bak then rename system.alt to system. If you've created a backup of registry previously (system backup tool) the version of the system file from then will also be in c:\winnt\repair folder (but if you haven't, the file there will be from the original install - so take care if you want to copy this file - it may just cause problems because its so out of date compared to your machine's current state).
I see this thread is not too old, but I need to ressurect it if I may...

I had the exact same problem with the C:\winnt\system32\config\system file. But, using the Recovery Console, I copied the backup from the C:\winnt\repair folder.

But now, I get the exact same error when trying to boot Windows but this time it's for a file called C:\winnt\system32\l_intl.nls.

I tried to 'google' for the file but only 3 site come up in the search results and none help.

Any ideas on how I can get my computer to boot (W2K O/S)? Heck, all I'd like to do is be able to see if I need any files off of it. I'd rather not do a full re-install right yet.

Likewise, anyone know what the l_intl.nls file is and could I just get a copy of the file from another computer running W2k?

What's the best way to get the answers you need?? See FAQ222-2244 for details!
That file is a system file - its on the install CD (compressed as l_intl.nl_ in \i386 - expand command will uncompress it).

Have you tried running chkdsk /r (from recovery console)?

Was the C:\winnt\system32\config\system file you restored, recent?

You could try a repair reinstall - - this will keep your settings, data & apps - loses windows update (so need to reapply service pack unless using a SP4 install CD, and visit windows updates).

The problems may be indicative of another (possibly hardware) problem.
Thanks for your time. As it turns out it was a hardware problem. Chkdsk failed, then I downloaded the manufacturer (Maxtor) diagnostic program and it also returned a failure code. So, it seems to be just one of those hardware failures that happens every now and then. Guess it's good I keep a regular regimine of backups. It also turns out the drive is out of the warrenty period (go figure). So, I've got a very sophisticated paper weight :)

What's the best way to get the answers you need?? See FAQ222-2244 for details!
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