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Windows 2000 user account disconnections.

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May 3, 2001
Hey everyone.

I have a puzzling problem that I have been having over the past month or so.

I have a windows 2000 Active Directory network, with about 150 users on it. I have the password policy set to force password change after 90 days. Every so often I haev someone mention to me that daily, they get disconnected from any network drives they have mapped, and have to reboot or re-map the drives to connect to them again. I checked their accounts, and there are no session limits or anything that I can see. Every person says that they just changed their passwords not too long ago.

They can log in to the network with no problems, and map the network drives, but mid day, the drives become unaccessable, and they have to reboot or re-map.
The majority of the workstations that the users use are windows 98, and some have the active directory client installed.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Many thanks for any suggestions you may have.
I have experienced similar with w2k and xp clients. I sometimes get a message saying "no logon servers available to process request", logging off will reset to normal, my issue only happens every once in a while. Ive looked at ms articles, but their supposed causes and fixs dont help me much...

try See MS KB article 306927.
try also putting this article number into and seeing what others say about this....
Well, this is not really that they can not log in to the server at all, they log in with no problems, are working away on something, and go to access the network drive, and get an error saying that the server is not available.
Yes I know, that is the error message that I get (even tho they are logged in ok), but the issue is the same as you are experiencing, loseing access to a network drive. The only thing I can think of is at periods when the server is validating connections to network resources, these connections are not authenticating correctly... tho I havent yet figured out how to correct it. Ms whitepapers suggest doing a number of things and what the causes are, but after trying most of them I still have the issue...Random tho it is...
What gets me about the MS article is that they say "In NT, you will get this error message, and in 98, you will get this error message", yet the fix has NOTHING to do with windows 98 at all, which 95% of my machines are.
I have come across this error on one of our machines (I expect it may come up on more as more users access the networking). It was very similar to our XP pro clients and the red X on the drives except unlike XP just clicking on the drive did not work, on the 98 I had to go into network neighborhood and click on the server and share and THEN I could get in fine without issues. This is one of the stated work arounds (also logging out and logging in again and releasing the ip stack with winip).

There was a suggested hot fix on the KB article, but that hotfix created BSOD's so they released another hotfix.... not much info if the NEWER hotfix causes any other issues.

I have made the change in registry (Timeout) on my Win2k server to help allieviate this problem as well.

In our case it did not have anything to do with a password change (although we did get a bunch of authorization errors on the security log around the time of the error).
Fer sure. The red X issue is not a new one with Windows. Every machine I have used in the past will have red X on the network drives when you go into my computer. But when you click on them, they log into the drive again with no problem. I think the problem I am experiencing is that the server is expiring the session or something like that, and when I try to access the resource again, it denies me access.
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