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Windows 2000 Server replication problem

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Jun 19, 2002

we have Windows 2000 servers(Ads)and other windows 2000 server(DCs)attached to this ADS,till last month everything was working fine i.e(replication etc..)
right now replication doesnot happen bteween Ads and dcs
but dcs get replicated to each other
when i click on Ad sites and services to manually replicate it it showed no domain exist or maybe be unavailable,so when i checked the propery of that machine(ADS) by right clicking it showed me the name of that machine which does not exists
Can somebody help me as i am deperately waiting for this problem to be solved



The replication problems in W2k environment arise (ALWAYS) from 3 sources:
1. network connectivity (or QoS) problems
2. wrong configuration of replication
3. DNS issues
Based on your description, I assume that you have Network Problem. Please check them.

Victor K
Hi Victor K,

I know its a network problem but how can i solve that
coz in the Ad sites and services when i selct and see the property of my AD server it shows me the name of different machine thats why the replication is not happening between by ad and dcs but dcs can replicate each other coz when i see the property of those servers it shows me the same cmputer name.
but ad server shows name of that server whcih doesnot exists

how can i change the computer name in ad sites and services coz when i go to change that name it doesnot show me the ads macchine name in the list...


Hi, Prabhakar,

If it is possible I would recommend you to restart all of your DC's; starting from the Forest root DC. Then all the DC's will try to read the correct settings from the beginning. Probably it will solve your problem.
are you using WINS?
is NetBIOS enabled on your DC's?
check , that DNS A and PTR records are all correct.

Good luck!

Victor K
Hi VictorKozlov ,

I have wins Server which is loaded in the ADS
i have tried restarting all as well as forest root dcs but of no help
Kinldy let me the solution
where can i chk the dns a and ptr records and how??

Can u let me know the solution



I would not recommend you to use wins in W2k envoronment, instead use DNS (DDNS). Of course WINS IS NECESSARY IN 2 CASES:
1. you have an old wnt or other netbios related clients/servers.
2. you have an applications , that relies on netbios.
Futhermore disable any integration between DNS and WINS.
You can check dns A and PTR records correctness in MMC DNS console, simply by viewing all the records. Do not forged to set a scavenging on the zone level (especially it is important if you are using DDNS/DHCP).
If DNS is ok:
use the command prompt on one of the DC's to issue a set of commands : nslookup <fqdn of each of the DC's>
you must get the correct answer! If no: DNS is the problem.
For the replication to occure correctly and smoothly I would recommend to set dns on the each of the DC's to have All other dns zones, that are used on your company. (it will be secondary zone)

Good luck!

Victor K
Hi Victor,

Actually my ads server has been taken over by other machine
coz we were trying one machine to attach has dc but it had dns wins and it took over itself as ADS so when u go to site and services and try to replicate it say unknown user domain not found
so when i right clicked by original ADS in it the computer name which appears below showed me the name of that server which we tried but that got formatted and we could even do dcpromo on that server so that it could have again made my original ADS back in State

so kindly help me in the same??


Hi there,

I've only skimmed over the posts so forgive me if I'm suggesting something you've already tried.

You seem to be saying that you have a sever listed in your sites that dosn't exist anymore. This stops the AD from replicating correctly.

I had a similar problem after I DCPROMO failed to unpromote a DC correctly.

I had to use ADSI edit to manually go in and correct the NTDS settings for AD.

I found a MS KB article relating to the problem using the EVENT ID in the event log. Unfortunately it was a while back and I can't recall the EVENT ID or the KB article.
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