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Windows 2000 or windows xp ?

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Technical User
Apr 20, 2002
Any opinions on this as ive got my hands on both.

I currently have windows 98 but due to constant crashing decided to upgrade.

Please give views, it'd be a great help.

It's just my opinion, but I NEVER upgrade! If you MUST do it, either choice is as good as the next for stability.

Drivers! Use your Windows 98se OS to search for the drivers you'll need for XP, or 2000. Alternatively, both XP, and 2000 provide for a detailed report on compatibilty with both software, and hardware.

Try this:
1.) XP, or 2000, run "winnt.exe" from the "i386" folder on the CD-ROM, using the following argument:

"winnt.exe /checkupgradeonly"

This will run setup, but won't change your configuration, it will simply provide a report, (which can be printed, too!). This report, should be all you need to make a descision...you 'll have to run both, obviously, and compare reports.

Finally, bear in mind that the "checkupgradeonly" argument, will provide a report that is only as good as the date the CD-ROM was cut...so be sure to check any reported incompatibilties, (particularly HARDWARE incompatibilties), against the current HCL, or Hardware Compatibilty List at these sites:

Windows 2000:
Have Fun!

[pc3] Rich
Father, Geek, and MCP
I have both OS's operating in my home office. I have been using W2K for over 2 years and XP Prof for several months and cannot see any advantage of XP Prof over W2K. XP can be configured to look like W2k if you dont like the way the GUI looks in XP. As for drivers, most manufacturers now have drivers for both and W2K drivers will usually work in XP if you cant find them for XP. What I have found is that W2k and XP usually have built in drivers for most devices, although usually very basic in functionality, which can get you by until you can download new drivers from the mfr. Best if you can get them in advance, of course. Use the results from the check upgrade option to determine what you are going to need. An example is my Sound Blaster Live card which both W2K and XP Prof found basic drivers and provided sound. However the Sound Blaster Live drivers From Creative Labs provided much more functionality. A big factor in your choice should be the required registration with XP which I do not agree with. Another factor is the XP CD. Is it the full version or upgrade? In XP, you cannot perform an install on a clean drive with the upgrade version as you could with W2K when W2K would simply ask for a CD from an earlier version of Windows. XP upgrade CD requires you to already have an earlier version installed and then run it from within Windows. It will fool you as the install from DOS will start, but never finish and you will be left wondering why. Office 2000 will run fine on either OS. Also NetBeui is not installed with XP if you are planning to use it on your network, although Microsoft provides a way around this on their web site. In short, I have no plans to upgrade my W2K to XP as I cannot see the justification. However, I believe you will be most happy to have upgraded from Win98SE to either OS as I did over 2 years ago and I have been crash free ever since. My new PC (550Xeon) had never been stable with 98SE and W2K definitely fixed the problem. Interupt sharing problems went away as W2K and XP allow additional interupts over what 98 allows due to it's DOS background. Choose either one, but do the upgrade and you will be glad you did. I would try to avoid the XP Home as XP Prof is much more fully featured especially for networking.
I would ditto the above post. 2000/XP is a great advantage over '98. I would stick with 2000, as I have had some serious issues with XP, bad BSoD problems, while my 2000 has been super stable. XP is faster, and has cooler features, and while stable for the most part, I have had rare, but big issues.
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