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Windows 10 review: Hold off if you use Windows 7 2

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Oct 10, 2003
Infoworld article from late July. I agree that Win 7 is more "safe and sound". Since I never used Windows 8, I can't comment on their suggestion that Win 8 users should upgrade ASAP.

adaptive uber info galaxies (bigger, better, faster, and more adept than agile innovative cognitive big data clouds)
Whatever....Using 10, having no issues at all, most of his complaints, I don't use, in fact almost all. The one I do use, pining to taskbar and start bar, is fully available on any application I try it on, no idea what he is talking about. Bing,Cortana,DVD player,Edge,Mail,calendar,touch, universal apps, don't or would not use any of these, as I think there are better choices out there. Tablet and phone, like most people are not windows based. Also, I found that the godmode folder trick from Windows 7, works in Windows 10. Don't need to hunt down if a setting is in settings or control panel, it is in one folder on my desktop. Also, blaming Microsoft for an Nvidia driver issue? Come on, it's not like Nvidia hasn't sent out drivers with issues before, hell, they put out a driver that would turn down the rpms of the cooling fan to the point it would burn out the card. So blaming Microsoft for another companies driver issue is just stupid. Its not like Microsoft wrote the driver.
So blaming Microsoft for another companies driver issue is just stupid. Its not like Microsoft wrote the driver.
Who forced the update onto people's computers with Windows 10? NVidia or Microsoft?
Who gave it to Microsoft as a good driver?
I don't care that NVidia created a bad driver. That's NVidia's problem to settle with their customers who installed the bad driver. The point is that even if NVidia is the worst, sloppiest manufacturer in the world (which they aren't), they never forced their update on anyone. Microsoft did, in huge numbers. Forcing security updates is bad enough, but forcing driver updates is reprehensible. Forcing ANYTHING on anyone's computer is a slap in the face to the consumer.

And I don't care that it's only Windows 10 Home users that are stuck with this "Microsoft knows what's best for you, you stupid user!" attitude. That will be a huge number of users over the lifetime of the OS. Many of whom do not have an IT department to bail them out when Microsoft creates a problem.
For 95% of people that use a computer, Microsoft does know better, because people are too ignorant to update drivers, and patch software. What percentage of people, that used, xp,7 or 8 when given the chance to not update the computer, or update the computer when they chose, did so? How many viruses attacked not updated computers? Because people are more than happy to click on some link in an email, or a website than click "install updates".
@rclarke250 - So what you're saying is that you want supermarkets and restaurants to control the food you buy, because you don't know better. You want car dealers to tell you what car you can drive and your mechanic to tell you when to fix something, just because it's a good time for them, and regardless of whether the part(s) is faulty. You want people to be forced to get immunizations, too, don't you?

I'm sure there would be a public outcry if the government or the American Medical Association tried to control our biological health. What makes the health of someone's computer any different?

adaptive uber info galaxies (bigger, better, faster, and more adept than agile innovative cognitive big data clouds)

I'm sure there would be a public outcry if the government or the American Medical Association tried to control our biological health

What do you mean "tried to"? Or do you not notice the "Warning labels" that most Governments insist are displayed on every thing :)


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>So what you're saying

No, that's not what they are saying at all.
Yes, I would like immunizations to be mandated. Because of one falsified study by a discredited doctor about claims that linked vaccines to a rise in Autism, So here we are almost 20 years later, and idiot misinformed parents did not get their children vaccinated and we are seeing a rise in diseases we had thought gone in developed countries. And if you don't think a supermarket or a restaurant control the food you buy, how do they not? You are limited to the choices they provide you. There are a multitude of studies that prove where to put the objects they want you to buy, what music to play, to try to entice an impulse buy, they know the longer they keep you in the store, the more you are likely to impulse buy, that is why a store is laid out the way it is, to make you go down multiple aisles and spend time in the store. It is also why they will have 20 lanes, but only have 4 open, to keep you in the store. Also, why do you think the ads that come in the paper are local based, and not chain based? because they know what sells where, and what is likely to sell if they put it on sale.
I don't think the analogies used above are good comparisons to what Microsoft is doing, but nevertheless, the bigger picture to focus on is security. Yes, there are downsides to mandated patches as shown in the examples above, but there are a lot of upsides as well. Realize that a number of small and medium-sized businesses have had issues in the past with unpatched home PC's and laptops being brought in and connected to their network: XP was horrible in this regard. They are often much less secure than office workstations that have been forced to comply with the company's security policies. In this day and age, it is practically impossible to simply deny visitors the option to connect. With mandated security patches, IT departments around the world may sleep a little easier at night with this shift in strategy from Microsoft.

I think what some people tend to lose sight of is the fact that vulnerable machines puts the rest of us at greater risk. This is an effort to lessen that risk. Only time will tell if it ends up working.

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You raise some fair points (of which I disagree with somewhat but not entirely) about security updates, but the issue that has kind of driven (no pun intended) this thread is drivers. Microsoft is forcing video drivers down Home users' throats. Video drivers!!! Driver updates were considered Optional Updates by Microsoft right through Windows 8. How the heck did they become so important that we MUST upgrade NOW! To hell with caution, and risk assessment. Full steam ahead with anything Microsoft thinks is best for you. I find this attitude horrible.

You know when I check to see if there are upgraded video drivers available? When I have a problem with my video card. Which is almost never, because I'm not a gamer and have simple video needs. But when I have a problem and decide to upgrade, you know when I do the upgrade? After I check to see if others who have installed those drivers have had problems, after I back up my system and, and after I make sure I have no deadlines coming up where losing access to my computer would be a bad thing.

Basically, I will install updated drivers when I'm damn good and ready and not a minute sooner.
Yeah, I have a feeling that forcing driver updates will be revisited by Microsoft for the obvious reasons you stated. Security is one thing, but driver updates is an entirely different can of worms that Microsoft shouldn't be playing with. It can be security-related, but more often than not, it isn't.

I was encouraged by your link regarding driver updates. However, in readng the comments to that article, and reading the wording of the screens, and noting that these settings are in the "Hardware" section and not the "Windows Update" section, unless I hear definitively to the contrary I am going to assume that these settings prevent automatic driver downloads when you install new hardware, not when the automatic forced windows updates take place.
Ah, yes you could be right. It might only apply when installing new hardware. Bummer...
But XP has NO NSA_ware............ yet. Or does it?

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That does not appear to bring anything new to the table1. It is simply a rehash of earlier InfoWorld articles, several actually predating W10 release, most of which you have already had the kindness to share and share and share with us, with a tiny dollop of Christmas editorial plopped on top.

[small]1Not quite true. Buried in the article it does note that your hero of anti-Windows 10 rhetoric, Woody Leonhard, is actually recommending people to buy W10 machines if buying new.[/small]
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